All Classes and Interfaces

Base implementation for AsyncResource.
Thrown when the end of the file is reached when reading a resource.
A TemplateSet base implementation template sets which renders data in a reactive way using a ByteBuf sink.
A TemplateSet base implementation template sets which renders data in a ByteBuf.
A TemplateSet base implementation template sets which renders data in a composite ByteBuf.
Base configuration based discovery service implementation.
Base implementation for ConfigurationLoader.
A service resolved by configuration.
Base DiscoveryService implementation.
Base DNS based discovery service.
Base implementation for HeaderBuilder.
Base implementation for HeaderCodec.
Base JWTSession implementation class.
Base password implementation.
Base principal authenticator implementation used to authenticate PrincipalCredentials.
Base implementation for Resource.
Base implementation for ResourceProvider.
Base Route implementation
Base RouteExtractor implementation.
Base RouteManager implementation.
Base Router implementation.
Base Service implementation.
Base Session implementation class.
Base SessionStore implementation class.
A base session store builder.
A TemplateSet base implementation template sets which renders data in an OutputStream.
A TemplateSet base implementation template sets which renders data in a reactive way using a String sink.
A TemplateSet base implementation template sets which renders data in a StringBuilder
Base TemplateSet implementation.
An accept content route.
An accept content route extractor.
An accept content route manager.
An accept language route.
An accept language route extractor.
An accept language route manager.
A RoutingLink implementation resolving resources by matching languages accepted in an input.
Thrown to indicate unexpected errors during access control processing.
An access control interceptor verifies that the access to a resource is authorized.
An access controller is used to control the access to services and resources of an authenticated entity.
An access controller resolver is used to resolve an access controller from an Authentication.
Specialized LDAP authenticator that uses Active Directory semantic.
An AnnotationSelector is used to filter beans annotated with a particular annotation during dependency injection.
A module wrapper which starts a module as an application and stops it when the application is gracefully shutdown.
The runtime where the application is running.
A task for archiving project delivrables.
A password that uses Argon2 key derivation function to encode password.
An Argon2 password encoder implementation.
The type of hash.
An array type argument builder is used to specify the component type of an array type.
An array type builder is used to build array types.
Represents a build component.
An asymmetric JSON Web Key based on asymmetric public and private keys.
An async resource uses an executor service to be read and written asynchronously.
A resource provider providing async resources.
An authentication represents a proof that the credentials of an entity have been authenticated.
Base implementation for authentication error interceptors.
Thrown to indicate that an authentication has failed.
An authentication releaser is used to invalidate or release any resources involved when terminating an authentication.
An authenticator is used to authenticate the Credentials of an entity that wants to access protected services or resources.
An authority route.
An authority route extractor.
An authority route manager.
A RoutingLink implementation resolving resources by matching the authority in an input.
A session data type for storing authentication data.
A HTTP exception that indicates a Bad Request (400).
A Banner prints information to a stream when a root module is starting.
Base HTTP exchange (request/response) for representing server or client exchanges.
Base HTTP request for representing client or server requests.
Base HTTP response for representing client or server responses.
Base Web WebSocket exchange supporting message encoding and decoding.
Extends BaseWebSocketExchange.Inbound to support WebSocket message decoding.
Extends BaseWebSocketExchange.Outbound to support WebSocket message encoding.
Base Web route representing WebRoute, WebSocketRoute and ErrorWebRoute.
Base Web route manager.
Marker interface indicating Web routers.
Represents a WebSocket exchange between a client and a server.
Represents the inbound part of a WebSocket exchange.
Represents the outbound part of a WebSocket exchange.
An HTTP authentication error interceptor that implements RFC 7617 The 'Basic' HTTP Authentication Scheme.
A basic AuthSessionData implementation.
A credentials extractor that extracts basic login credentials as defined by RFC 7617 Section 2.
A session context for exposing basic sessions.
An intercepted basic session context used by the session interceptor to populate the session context with a basic session.
A credentials extractor that extracts session credentials from a basic session.
A login success handler that stores the successful authentication in a basic session.
The basic session security exchange context.
An intercepted basic session security exchange context used by session and security interceptors to populate the session context and the security context.
A basic session store that uses opaque session identifiers and stores sessions and their data in a data store on the backend.
A password that uses Bcrypt hashing function to encode password.
A Bcrypt password encoder implementation.
Indicates that an annotated class or interface is a bean.
Indicates the strategy to use to instantiate the bean.
Indicates the visibility of a bean in a module.
A bean socket represents a bean dependency, a bean required or desirable by a bean to operate properly.
A credentials extractor that extracts a token credentials from a bearer in the authorization HTTP header as defined by RFC 6750 Section 2.1.
Binds a request body to a Web route method parameter.
Boot module configuration.
The Boot module net address resolver configuration.
The Boot module net client configuration.
The Boot module net server configuration.
A configuration source that considers multiple local sources to load the bootstrap configuration of an application.
A task for building a JMOD archive for the project module.
A task for building a custom Java runtime image for the project.
Parameters describing a runtime image launcher.
A Converter that encodes objects to ByteBuf and decodes ByteBuf to objects.
A TemplateSet which can render ByteBuf.
A discovery service wrapper that caches services by service ID and traffic policy.
Utility methods and constants for charsets.
A Resource implementation that identifies resources by a URI of the form classpath:/path/to/resource and looks up data on the classpath.
Thrown when a read, write or delete operation is performed on closed resource
Exposes database column metadata.
A lock-free command executor which guarantees the execution of commands in sequence.
A configuration source that looks up properties from command line arguments.
A composite configuration source that uses multiple configuration sources to resolve configuration properties.
The configuration query used by the composite configuration source.
The configuration query result returned by a composite configuration source.
The executable configuration query used by the composite configuration source.
The list configuration query used by the composite configuration source.
A composite configuration strategy allows to specifies the behaviour of a CompositeConfigurationSource.
A defaulting strategy that can keep track of query results in order to optimize defaulting queries for subsequent rounds.
A composite converter relies on multiple CompoundEncoder and CompoundDecoder to convert objects.
A composite decoder relies on multiple CompoundDecoder to decode objects.
A composite discovery service composing multiple discovery services.
A composite encoder relies on multiple CompoundEncoder to encode objects.
A compound decoder is used in a CompositeDecoder to decode particular types of objects.
A compound encoder is used in a CompositeEncoder to encode particular types of objects.
A configurable ConfigurationSource that supports configuration properties updates.
Used on an interface to indicate a configuration.
A configuration key uniquely identifies a configuration property in a configuration source.
A parameter is used to specify the context in which a property value is defined.
An undefined parameter is used to match properties that do not defined a particular parameter in a list configuration query.
A wildcard parameter is used to match all values for a parameter in a list configuration query.
A configuration loader is used to load a configuration object from a ConfigurationSource.
Thrown by a configuration loader to indicate an error when loading a configuration.
Base implementation for generated configuration loader.
Base implementation to generate configuration loader beans.
A configuration property.
A configuration query is used to query configuration properties from a configuration source.
Represents a single query result providing the configuration property retrieved from a configuration source with a query key.
A configuration source gives access to configuration properties.
Thrown to indicate that an error occurred in a configuration source.
Permission based access controller implementation using a ConfigurationSource to resolve permissions.
Resolves a configuration source permission based access controller from a PrincipalAuthentication.
A configuration update is used to set or update configuration properties in a configurable configuration source.
Defines constants used to set special values.
Represents a single update result.
Thrown when a connection is reset by the peer.
A Vert.x connection SQL client wrapper.
Thrown when a connection has timed out.
A task for creating container images of the project application.
Represents the generated container image.
Describes the format of the image to generate.
Describes where to generate the container image.
A content route.
A content route extractor.
A content route manager.
A RoutingLink implementation resolving resources by matching the content type in an input.
A Web exchange interceptor that sends an interim 100 Continue response to the client on requests that contain expect: 100-continue HTTP header as defined by RFC 7231 Section 5.1.1.
A converter decodes and encodes between two types of object.
Thrown to indicate that a conversion operation failed.
Represents a value of a given type that can be converted.
Represents an HTTP cookie as defined by RFC 6265 Section 4.2
Binds the value of an HTTP cookie to a Web route method parameter whose name indicates the name of the cookie.
A cookie with parameter's conversion capabilities.
A session identifier extractor that extracts the identifier from a request cookie.
A session injector that sets the session identifier in a response cookie.
A credentials extractor that extracts a token credentials stored in an HTTP cookie.
A login success handler that sets a token cookie in the response using the token value specified in the token authentication resulting from the login authentication.
A logout success handler that removes the token cookie.
A security interceptor that implements Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) as defined by HTTP CORS protocol.
A CORS interceptor builder.
Represents an origin composed of a scheme, a host and a port.
A configuration source that looks up properties in a configuration properties file following the .cprops file format.
Credentials represents the data required by an entity to get access to protected services or resources.
A credentials extractor is used to extract credentials from an exchange, typically the request.
A credentials matcher can be used during an authentication to match two credentials, typically the one provided by the entity to authenticated and the one resolved from a trusted authority or repository.
Thrown to indicate that credentials could be resolved by a CredentialsResolver.
A credentials resolver is used to resolve credentials identified by a unique identifier from a trusted source.
A security interceptor that protects against Cross-site request forgery attack using the double submit cookie technique.
A CSRF double submit cookie interceptor builder.
A data conversion that resolves the MediaTypeConverter to use to encode or decode content based on an HTTP message payload media type or a WebSocket subprotocol.
Debugs the project in a separate process and wait for the application to stop.
A decoder is used to decode an object into another object.
Thrown by a CompositeDecoder to indicate that no decoder can decode a given type.
A defaultable configuration source has the ability to search for default properties if no exact result exist for a given query.
A defaulting strategy is used in a DefaultableConfigurationSource to implement defaulting configuration mechanism.
The Artifact representing a Project dependency.
Indicates a method that must be executed before a bean instance is destroyed when a module is stopped.
An HTTP authentication error interceptor that implements RFC 7616 HTTP Digest Access Authentication.
HTTP Digest specific credentials as defined by RFC 7616 Section 3.4.
A credentials extractor that extracts digest credentials as defined by RFC 7616 Section 3.4.
A credentials matcher used to verify digest credentials as defined by RFC 7616.
A password that uses HTTP Digest function to encode password as defined by RFC 7616 Section 3.4.2.
An HTTP Digest password encoder implementation as defined by RFC 7616 Section 3.4.2.
A direct Key Management algorithm that derives the Content Encryption Key which is used directly to encrypt a JWE payload.
A direct CEK composed of a derived encryption key and a map of specific parameters resulting from the key derivation and required by a recipient to derive the key.
A discovery service is used to resolve Service from a ServiceID identifying a service and a TrafficPolicy conveying local service configuration.
Elliptic Curve algorithms as defined by RFC7518.
Elliptic Curves as defined by RFC7518.
Elliptic curve JSON Web key.
An Elliptic curve JSON Web Key builder.
An Elliptic curve JSON Web Key factory.
An Elliptic curve JSON Web Key generator.
Edward-curve digital signature algorithms as defined by RFC8037 Section 3.1.
Edward-curve JSON Web Key.
Edward-curve JSON Web Key builder.
An Edward-curve JSON Web Key factory.
An Edward-curve JSON Web Key generator.
An encoder is used to encode an object into another object.
Thrown by a CompositeEncoder to indicate that no encoder can encode a given type.
An encrypting Key Management algorithm used to encrypt a generated CEK used to encrypt a JWE payload.
An encrypted CEK composed of the encrypted key and a map of specific parameters resulting from the CEK encryption and required by the recipient to decrypt the key.
An endpoint represents the terminal end in an HTTP communication from a client to a server.
Thrown when an endpoint couldn't establish a connection to a server.
Represents a failing server exchange.
An error route.
An error route extractor.
An error route manager.
A RoutingLink implementation resolving resources by matching the error in an input.
An error exchange that extends HTTP server ErrorExchange.
An error Web route specifies criteria used to determine the error Web exchange handler to execute to handle a failing exchange.
Entry point for configuring the error Web exchange interceptors to apply when creating error Web routes in an intercepted Web server.
A configurer used to configure error Web route interceptors in a Web server.
Defines error Web route interceptors and creates decorated Web servers intercepting error Web routes.
Manages error Web routes in the Web server.
Entry point for configuring the error Web routes used to route error Web exchanges to a matching error Web exchange handlers.
A configurer used to configure error Web routes in a Web server.
Represents an HTTP client exchange (request/response) between a client and a server.
Represents an HTTP server exchange (request/response) between a client and a server.
Base Exchange context interface.
An exchange handler is used to handle server exchanges.
An client exchange interceptor is used to intercept a client exchange before a request is actually sent to the server.
An exchange interceptor is used to intercept a server exchange before it is handled by a ExchangeHandler.
Base execution task.
An executable configuration query can be executed to retrieve configuration properties defined for a particular context from a configuration source.
An executable configuration update can be executed to set configuration properties for a particular context in a configuration source.
Thrown by a JWTClaimsSet during validation to indicate that a JWT claim set has expired.
Thrown by a DigestCredentialsMatcher to indicate that the provided nonce has expired.
A Resource implementation that identifies resources by a URI of the form file:/path/to/resource and looks up data on the file system.
A HTTP exception that indicates a Forbidden (403) access to a server resource.
An authentication error interceptor that redirects (302) the client to a login page.
A credentials extractor that extracts login credentials provided by a user in a form (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) submitted in an HTTP POST request.
An exchange handler that serves a whitelabel login HTML page.
Binds the value of a form parameter to a Web route method parameter whose name indicates the name of the parameter.
A generic MediaTypeService implementation.
Generic TypeVariableBuilder implementation.
A specific authentication which exposes all groups to which the authenticated entity belongs.
Resolves a role based access controller from a GroupAwareAuthentication.
gRPC base module configuration.
Base gRPC exchange (request/response) for representing server or client exchanges.
Base gRPC request for representing client or server requests.
Base gRPC response for representing client or server responses.
A gRPC client is used to transform client HTTP Exchange into unary, client streaming, server streaming or bidirectional streaming client GrpcExchange.
A closeable gRPC client stub definition.
A base gRPC client stub definition.
The gRPC client module configuration.
Base exception class used to report gRPC errors.
Represents a gRPC client exchange between a client and a server.
Represents a gRPC server exchange between a client and a server.
Represents a bidirectional streaming (stream/stream) client gRPC exchange.
Represents a bidirectional streaming (stream/stream) server gRPC exchange.
Represents a client streaming (stream/response) client gRPC exchange.
Represents a client streaming (stream/response) server gRPC exchange.
Represents a server streaming (request/stream) client gRPC exchange.
Represents a server streaming (request/stream) server gRPC exchange.
Represents a unary (request/response) client gRPC exchange.
Represents a unary (request/response) server gRPC exchange.
A gRPC exchange handler is used to handle gRPC server exchanges.
Defines gRPC headers.
Represents immutable inbound gRPC metadata.
Represents immutable inbound gRPC request metadata.
Represents immutable inbound gRPC response metadata.
Represents immutable inbound gRPC response trailers metadata.
A gRPC message compressor is used to compress or uncompress gRPC messages.
A message compressor service allows to resolve gRPC message compressors from message encodings.
Represents mutable outbound gRPC metadata.
Represents mutable outbound gRPC request metadata.
Represents mutable outbound gRPC response metadata.
Represents mutable outbound gRPC response metadata.
Represents a client gRPC request in a client exchange.
Represents a server gRPC request in a server exchange.
Represents a streaming (stream of messages) request.
Represents a streaming (stream of messages) request.
Represents a unary (single message) request.
Represents a unary (single message) request.
Represents a client gRPC response in a client exchange.
Represents a server gRPC response in a server exchange.
Represents a streaming (stream of messages) response.
Represents a streaming (stream of messages) response.
Represents a unary (single message) response.
Represents a unary (single message) response.
A gRPC server is used to adapt unary, client streaming, server streaming or bidirectional streaming server GrpcExchangeHandler into HTTP server ExchangeHandler.
The gRPC server module configuration.
Represents a gRPC service name.
Enumeration of gRPC statuses as defined by gRPC Status Codes.
Base HTTP header interface defining common HTTP header.
A header builder is used to build a specific Header instance.
A HTTP header codec is used to encode and decode HTTP headers.
Binds the value of an HTTP header to a Web route method parameter whose name indicates the name of the header.
Defines standard HTTP header types.
Accept HTTP header as defined by RFC 7231 Section 5.3.2.
Accept HTTP header media range as defined by RFC 7231 Section 5.3.2.
Accept-language HTTP header as defined by RFC 7231 Section 5.3.5.
Accept language HTTP header language range as defined by RFC 7231 Section 5.3.5.
An accept match represents a match between a source item and a target item.
Authorization HTTP header as defined by RFC 7235 Section 4.2.
Content-disposition HTTP header as defined by RFC 6266 Section 4.1.
Content-type HTTP header as defined by RFC 7231 Section
Cookie HTTP header as defined by RFC 6265 Section 4.2.
Set-cookie HTTP header as defined by RFC 6265 Section 4.1.
Defines a same site policy as defined by SameSite cookie.
Marker interface for simple key/value header.
Provides a unified access to HTTP headers, giving the ability to decode or encode Header instances for various headers.
A headers route.
A headers route extractor.
A header matcher used to match a header against a list of static values or or a list of patterns.
A headers route manager.
A RoutingLink implementation resolving resources by matching headers in an input.
Intercepts exchanges or error exchanges and logs HTTP access.
An authentication error interceptor that implements RFC 7235 HTTP authentication.
An HTTP client is used to create an Endpoint representing an HTTP server and on which client-to-server HTTP exchanges are initiated.
A builder of Endpoint.
HTTP client module configuration.
Designates a proxy protocol.
Base exception class used to report HTTP client errors.
Thrown to indicate a protocol upgrade error.
A discovery service for resolving HTTP services providing HttpServiceInstance in order to process HTTP requests.
Base exception class used to report HTTP errors.
HTTP meta service discovery module configuration.
Describes an HTTP meta service including: network configuration, traffic policy, routes and destinations.
Describes a route destination.
Describes HTTP client configuration.
Describes least request traffic load balancer.
Describes an HTTP traffic load balancer.
Describes min load factor traffic load balancer.
Describes a path matcher.
Describes a regex value matcher.
Describes a request transformer.
Describes a response transformer.
Describes an HTTP route.
Describes a static value matcher.
Describes a value matcher.
Designates a kind of match.
HTTP server module configuration.
The HTTP client authentication type.
Base exception class used to report HTTP server errors.
An HTTP service instance using an HTTP client Endpoint to send HTTP requests to an HTTP server exposing a service.
An HTTP traffic policy defining load balancing strategy as well as configuration HTTP client and Net client configurations used when creating an HTTP client Endpoint in a service instance.
An HTTP traffic policy builder.
Load balancing strategies supported in HTTP services.
Represents HTTP protocol versions.
An identity exposes the information that specifies the identity of an authenticated entity.
Thrown to indicate errors during identity resolution.
An identity resolver is used to resolve the identity of an authenticated entity from an Authentication.
Represents a native project image.
Thrown by a JWTClaimsSet during validation to indicate that a JWT claim set is not active yet.
A RoutingLink implementation resolving resources by matching the accepted content types in an input.
Represents immutable inbound HTTP cookies.
A generic inbound data consumer.
An inbound data consumer used to decode payload data to a single object or many objects.
Represents immutable inbound HTTP headers.
Represents immutable inbound HTTP request headers.
Represents immutable inbound HTTP response headers.
Represents immutable inbound HTTP set-cookies.
Indicates a method that must be executed after a bean has been instantiated and dependency injection is done.
A basic session store implementation that stores sessions and their data in-memory in a concurrent map.
The in-memory basic session store builder.
A JWKStore implementation that stores and read JWK from concurrent maps in memory.
A JWT session store implementation that stores sessions and their stateful data in-memory in a concurrent map.
The in-memory JWT session store builder.
A simple login credentials resolver that stores credentials in memory.
A UserRepository implementation that stores users in memory.
A builder used to build in-memory user repositories.
An intercepted exchange is created in order to apply the exchange interception logic before sending the request.
An intercepted request is exposed in the InterceptedExchange to proxy the original request that is about to be sent to the endpoint and the actual request after it has been sent to the endpoint.
An intercepted request body allows to intercept and transform the actual request body sent to the endpoint.
An intercepted response is exposed in the InterceptedExchange to allow an exchange interceptor to provide a response when canceling the request sent by returning an empty exchange Mono.
An intercepted response body allows to transform the response payload received from the endpoint and/or provide a response payload in case the request sent is cancelled.
A resource payload producer.
An intercepted Web exchange extending HTTP client InterceptedExchange.
An intercepted Web request extending HTTP client InterceptedRequest.
An intercepted Web response extending HTTP client InterceptedResponse.
An intercepted Web response body with payload encoding support.
A HTTP exception that indicates an Internal Server Error (500) accessing a server resource.
Thrown to indicate that an authentication has failed due to invalid credentials.
Thrown by a JWTClaimsSet during validation to indicate that a JWT claim set is invalid.
A generator for generating Inverno specific classes to create gRPC client and/or server.
A protoc plugin used to generate Inverno specific gRPC client and/or server classes.
JSON ByteBuf to Object converter backed by an ObjectMapper.
JSON String to Object converter backed by an ObjectMapper.
A Resource implementation that identifies resources by a URI of the form jar:file:/path/to/jar!/path/to/resource and looks up data in a jar file on the file system system.
An encoder that can encode a collection of objects into a single object.
An object encoder which is joinable with primitive encoding bindings.
JOSE module configuration.
A JOSE Header contains the parameters describing the cryptographic operations and parameters employed to secure a JOSE object.
A JOSE header configurator is used in JOSEObjectBuilder or JsonJOSEObjectBuilder to configure JOSE headers when building JOSE objects.
A JOSE object composed of a JOSE header and a payload and secured through cryptographic operations.
A JOSE object builder is used to build single JOSE objects.
Thrown to indicate that an error has occurred while building a JOSE object.
A JOSE object reader is used to read single JOSE objects serialized in the compact representation.
Thrown to indicate that an error has occurred while reading a JOSE object.
A JOSE object service is a main entry point for creating and reading particular JOSE objects.
Thrown to indicate that an error has occurred while processing a JOSE object.
ByteBuf application/json media type converter.
A JSON JOSE object supporting JSON representation.
A JSON JOSE object builder is used to build JSON JOSE objects that can be serialized to the JSON representation.
A JSON JWE reader is used to read JSON JOSE objects serialized using the JSON representation.
A JSON Web Encryption object supporting JWE JSON representation as defined by RFC7516 Section 7.2.
Built recipient resulting from the build of a JSON JWE and exposing the recipient JWE directly.
Read recipient resulting from the read of a JSON JWE and exposing a single JWE publisher used to decrypt and validate the recipient JWE.
Base JSON JWE Recipient exposing recipient specific JWE JOSE header and encrypted key.
A JSON JWE builder is used to build JSON Web Encryption objects that can be serialized to the JSON representation as defined by RFC7516 Section 7.2.
A JSON JWE reader is used to read JSON Web Encryption objects serialized using the JSON representation as defined by RFC7516 Section 7.2.
A JSON Web Signature object supporting JWS JSON representation as defined by RFC7515 Section 7.2.
Built signature resulting from the build of a JSON JWS and exposing the signature JWS directly.
Read signature resulting from the read of a JSON JWS and exposing a single JWS publisher used to validate the signature JWS.
Base JSON JWS Signature exposing signature protected and unprotected JWS JOSE headers and the signature.
A JSON JWS builder is used to build JSON Web Signature objects that can be serialized to the JSON representation as defined by RFC7515 Section 7.2.
A JSON JWS reader is used to read JSON Web Signature objects serialized using the JSON representation as defined by RFC7515 Section 7.2.
String application/json media type converter.
Base JSON Web Algorithm as specified by RFC7518.
Base JWA algorithm as specified by RFC7518.
A JWA cipher is used to encrypt and decrypt content.
An encrypted data composed of the initialization vector, the authentication tag and the cipher text.
Thrown by a JWACipher to indicate an error while encrypting or decrypting data.
A JSON Web Algorithm for Key Management when performing JSON Web Encryption as specified by RFC7518 Section 4.
Thrown by a JWAKeyManager to indicate an error while encrypting or decrypting data.
Thrown to indicate a general JWA processing error.
Thrown by a JWASigner to indicate an error while signing data or verifying signature.
A JWA signer is used to sign data and or verify data signature.
A JSON Web Encryption object as defined by RFC7516.
A token authentication that wraps the original authentication in a JWE and uses its compact representation as token value.
An authenticator implementation that authenticates JWE token credentials and expose the original authentication.
A JSON Web Encryption builder is used to build single JSON Web Encryption objects.
Thrown by a JWEBuilder to indicate an error while building a JWE.
JSON Web Encryption JOSE header as defined by RFC7516 Section 4.
A JWE JOSE header configurator is used in JWEBuilder or JsonJWEBuilder to configure JWE JOSE headers when building JWE objects.
A JWE reader is used to read single JSON Web Encryption objects serialized in the compact representation as defined by RFC7516 Section 7.1.
Thrown by a JWEReader to indicate an error while reading a JWE.
The JWE Service is the main entry point for creating and reading JSON Web Encryption objects.
A JWE zip implements a JWE compression algorithm used to compress or decompress a JWE object payload based on the compression algorithm JWE JOSE header parameter.
Thrown by a JWEZip to indicate an error while compressing or decompressing data.
A JSON Web Key as defined by RFC7517.
A JWK builder is used to build JSON Web Keys.
Thrown by a JWKBuilder to indicate an error while building a JWK.
A JWK factory is used to build, read or generate a particular type of key.
Thrown by a JWKGenerator to indicate an error while generating a key.
a JWK generator is used to generate JSON Web Keys.
A JWK key resolver is used within a JWKBuilder to resolve keys (symmetric, private or public keys) from key ids, X.509 SHA1 or X.509 SHA256 thumbprints typically specified in JOSE headers.
PKIX Parameters used to validate X.509 certificate path.
Thrown to indicate a general JWK processing error.
Thrown by a JWKService to indicate an error while reading a JWK.
Thrown to indicate an error while resolving a JWK (e.g. resolve keys, resolve JWK urls, validate certificate paths, consistency checks...)
The JWK Service is the main entry point for creating, reading and generating JSON Web Keys.
A JWK Set as defined by RFC7517 Section 5
A JWK store is used to store frequently used keys and make them available to JWKFactory and JWKBuilder so keys can be automatically resolved when building or reading JOSE objects.
Thrown by a JWKStore to indicate an erro accessing a JWK store.
A JWK URL resolver is used within JWKFactory and JWKBuilder to resolve JWK Set resources from JWK Set URL (i.e.
A JSON Web Signature object as defined by RFC7515.
A token authentication that wraps the original authentication in a JWS and uses its compact representation as token value.
An authenticator implementation that authenticates JWS token credentials and expose the original authentication.
A JSON Web Signature builder is used to build single JSON Web Signature objects.
Thrown by a JWSBuilder to indicate an error while building a JWS.
JSON Web Signature JOSE header as defined by RFC7516 Section 4.
A JWS JOSE header configurator is used in JWSBuilder or JsonJWSBuilder to configure JWS JOSE headers when building JWS objects.
A JWS reader is used to read single JSON Web Signature objects serialized in the compact representation as defined by RFC7515 Section 7.1.
Thrown by a JWSReader to indicate an error while reading a JWS.
The JWS Service is the main entry point for creating and reading JSON Web Signature objects.
Thrown by a JWTClaimsSet to indicate an error while building a JWT claim set.
A JWT Claims set contains the claims conveyed by a JSON Web Token as specified by RFC7519 Section 4.
A JWT Claims set builder is used to build a JWT Claims set.
A JWT Claim represents a piece of information asserted about a subject.
A JWT claims set validator used to validate a JWTClaimsSet.
A token authentication that uses the compact representation of a JWTE as token value.
An authenticator implementation that authenticates JWTE token credentials.
A JWT session id generator that generates JWT as JWE which guarantees both integrity and confidentiality of the stateless session data within the session id.
Thrown by the JWTService to indicate an error while reading a JWT.
A token authentication that uses the compact representation of a JWTS as token value.
An authenticator implementation that authenticates JWTS token credentials.
The JWT Service is the main entry point for creating and reading JSON Web token objects.
A JWT session allows to store stateless data in a JWT session identifier stored on the frontend in addition to the stateful session data stored on the backend.
A session context for exposing basic sessions.
An intercepted JWT session context used by the session interceptor to populate the session context with a JWT session.
A credentials extractor that extracts session credentials from a JWT session.
A session id generator that generates JWT identifier containing session expiration settings and stateless session data.
A login success handler that stores the successful authentication in the stateless session data.
The JWT session security exchange context.
An intercepted JWT session security exchange context used by session and security interceptors to populate the session context and the security context.
A session store that uses JWT session identifier to store session expiration setting and stateless session data on the frontend.
A JWT session id generator that generates JWT as JWS which guarantees the integrity of the stateless session data within the session id.
HTTP Kubernetes service discovery module configuration
A key scope is used to provide bean instances bound to an arbitrary key.
Used on a bean socket variable to inject a bean instance supplier instead of an actual bean instance.
Represents a single LDAP attribute value in an LDAP entry.
LDAP user authentication.
Generic LDAP authenticator.
An LDAP Client exposes reactive methods to query an LDAP server.
LDAP client configuration.
Represents the referral policy to apply when encountering a referral.
Represents an LDAP entry resulting from an LDAP search operation.
Thrown by an LDAPClient to indicate an error wile accessing an LDAP server.
Represents the identity of a user in an LDAP server.
LDAP identity resolver used to resolve the identity of an authenticated user from an LDAP server.
LDAP reactive operations.
A search builder is used to build complex search operations.
Represents the search scope as defined by RFC4511 Section
An HTTP traffic load balancer that selects the service instance with the least current active requests from a random subset of instances.
A Least request traffic load balancer factory.
Lettuce Redis client module configuration.
A list configuration query can be executed to retrieve all configuration properties defined with a specific set of parameters.
An exchange handler that authenticates login credentials and delegates further processing to success and failure handlers.
Login credentials composed of a username and a password.
A login credentials matcher is used to verify that two login credentials are matching.
Handles failed authentication in a LoginActionHandler.
Handles successful authentication in a LoginActionHandler.
An exchange handler that logs out a logged in entity and delegates further processing to a success handler.
Handles successful logout in a LogoutActionHandler.
Thrown by a CredentialsExtractor to indicate that malformed credentials have been sent.
Thrown to indicate a malformed service descriptor configuration when resolving a service from configuration.
A manageable service allows an enclosing service to manage its set of service instances.
A configuration source that looks up properties from a map.
An object converter that can convert particular media types.
A collection of well known media types.
A media type service provides methods to determine a media type based on a file name, a file extension, a path or a URI.
A password that uses a MessageDigest to encode password.
A MessageDigest based password encoder implementation.
Enumeration of HTTP methods as defined by RFC 7231 Section 4.3.
A HTTP exception that indicates a client requested Method Not Allowed (405).
An HTTP method route.
An HTTP method route extractor.
An HTTP method route manager.
A RoutingLink implementation resolving resources by matching the HTTP method in an input.
An HTTP traffic load balancer that selects the service instance with the minimum load factor from a random subset of instances.
A minimum load factor traffic load balancer factory.
Thrown to indicate that no converter was found for a specific media type.
Thrown to indicates that a required parameter is missing.
A task for modularizing the dependencies of the project.
Indicates that a module is an Inverno module that must be processed during compilation in order to generate a module class.
The Module base class.
Interface representing the lifecycle of a bean in a module.
Aggregates single beans, collections of beans and arrays of beans.
A BeanBuilder is used within a module class to create Module.Bean instances.
Fallible consumer used to designates init and destroy methods which might throw checked exception.
A BeanBuilder for creating module Module.Bean instances.
The Module Builder base class.
The Module Linker base class.
Provides socket information to the Inverno compiler.
A BeanBuilder for creating wrapper Module.Bean instances.
Describes a module-info descriptor as specified in the Java language specification.
Represents an exports directive in a module descriptor.
Represents an import declaration in a module descriptor.
Represents an opens directive in a module descriptor.
Represents a provides directive in a module descriptor.
Represents a requires directive in a module descriptor.
Represents a uses directive in a module descriptor.
A Resource implementation that identifies resources by a URI of the form module://[MODULE_NAME]/path/to/resource or module:/path/to/resource and looks up data from a module.
Used in conjunction with @Bean to declare a mutating socket bean.
A Resource implementation that identifies resources by a URI of the form resource:path/to/resource and looks up data in a native image.
ByteBuf application/x-ndjson media type converter as defined by Newline Delimited JSON.
String application/x-ndjson media type converter as defined by Newline Delimited JSON.
Indicates that the return value of a particular method on a module bean or a socket bean should be considered as a bean and considered during dependency injection.
Net address resolver configuration.
Net client configuration.
Base network configuration.
Net server configuration.
A net service provides methods to create resource friendly network clients and servers and resolve host addresses with DNS resolution.
Represents the transport type supported at runtime.
NoOp algorithms as defined by RFC7518.
A HTTP exception that indicates a Not Acceptable (406) client requested.
A HTTP exception that indicates that a resource was Not Found (404) on the server.
Thrown when trying to read a resource that is not readable.
Thrown when trying to write to a resource that is not writable.
An object converter which is splittable and joinable with primitive conversion bindings.
Object to object Decoder implementation.
Octect symmetric algorithms as defined by RFC7518.
Octet JSON Web Key.
An Octet JSON Web Key builder.
An Octet JSON Web Key factory.
An Octet JSON Web Key generator.
Octet Key Pair Elliptic curves as defined by RFC8037
Octet Key Pair JSON Web Key.
Octet Key Pair JSON Web Key builder.
Octet Key Pair JSON Web Key factory.
Octet Key Pair JSON Web Key generator.
Web router configurer used to configure routes exposing generated Open API specifications.
A RoutingLink implementation resolving resources by matching the accepted content types in an input.
Represents mutable outbound HTTP cookies.
A generic outbound data producer.
An outbound data producer used to encode payload data from a single object or many objects.
Represents mutable outbound HTTP headers.
Represents mutable outbound HTTP request headers.
Represents mutable outbound HTTP response headers.
Represents mutable outbound HTTP set-cookies.
Used in conjunction with @Bean to indicate an overridable bean.
A task for packaging modular applications with an optimized Java runtime.
Parameters describing an application launcher.
Linux specific configuration.
MacOS specific configuration.
The types of package that the task can generate.
Windows specific configuration.
Base parameter interface defining common HTTP parameter (eg. header, cookie, query parameter...).
A factory for creating parameters.
String to object converter used basically to convert string parameter values into primitive and common types.
Represents a part in a multipart/form-data request body as defined by RFC 7578.
Represents a part in a multipart/form-data request body as defined by RFC 7578.
A factory for creating Part.
Binds a Web route method parameter to a body part.
A password represents secret data that can be used to authenticate an entity.
A password encoder used to encode a raw password into a secured password representation.
Thrown to indicate that a password related operation failed.
A password policy is used to evaluate the strength of a password in a login credentials against specific rules.
A password strength provides both qualitative and quantitative marks to assess its level of protection against password cracking attacks.
Represents a qualitative password protection mark.
Thrown to indicate that a password does not comply with a password policy.
Binds the value of a URI path parameter as defined by URIBuilder to a Web route method parameter whose name indicates the name of the parameter.
Represents the path parameters extracted from the absolute path of a request following the URIPattern used to define the route to the targeted resource.
A Resource implementation that identifies resources by a path and looks up data on the file system.
A path route.
A path route extractor.
A path route manager.
A RoutingLink implementation resolving resources by matching the path in an input.
Password-based encryption key management algorithms as defined by RFC7518.
Password-based JSON Web Key.
Password-based JSON Web Key builder.
Password-based JSON Web Key factory.
Password-based JSON Web Key generator.
A password that uses Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 to encode password.
A PBKDF2 based password encoder implementation.
An access controller that uses permissions to control the access to services or resources based on the permissions that were granted to an authenticated entity.
A parameter is used to specify the context in which a permission is evaluated.
A basic identity implementation exposing basic personal information.
A pipe is used within a template to transform a value before applying templates.
A collection of pipes used to transform basic values including: strings transformation, date formatting, number formatting, escaping...
A Vert.x pooled client SQL client wrapper.
A Lettuce pool Redis client wrapper.
A Lettuce cluster pool Redis client wrapper.
A Vert.x pool SQL client wrapper.
The prepared statement is pre-compiled, it should be preferred over regular statements as it is more efficient when executed multiple times and it protects against SQL injection attacks.
An object decoder providing primitive bindings to decode to primitive and common types.
An object encoder providing primitive bindings to encode primitive and common types.
An authentication resulting from the authentication of a principal entity uniquely identified by a username.
An authenticator used to authenticate principal credentials.
Credentials used to authenticate a principal entity identified by a unique username.
The Artifact representing the project to build.
A configuration source backed by a Properties object.
A configuration source that looks up properties in a regular property file.
Specifies the type provided by a bean, defaulting to the actual bean type.
A publisher pipe is used within a template to transform a publisher before applying templates to the emitted elements.
A collection of pipes used to transform publishers including: filter, sort, map, flatMap...
A publisher TemplateSet which exposes the sink where data are rendered.
Binds the value of an HTTP query parameter to a Web route method parameter whose name indicates the name of the parameter.
Represents the query parameters of a request.
A query parameters route.
A query parameters route extractor.
A query parameters route manager.
A parameter matcher used to match a parameter against a list of static values or or a list of patterns.
A RoutingLink implementation resolving resources by matching query parameters in an input.
A traffic load balancer that selects a random service instance in a list of service instances.
Represents a raw unencoded password.
A raw (no-op) password encoder implementation.
A reactive converter.
A reactive decoder.
A reactive encoder.
A reactive exchange handler is used to handle server exchanges following reactive principles.
A reactive server controller defines how exchanges and error exchanges must be handled within the HTTP server following reactive principles.
A reactor defines the core threading model of Inverno's applications and more specifically it provides the main event loop group.
A marker interface that is detected on Threads to indicate that a thread is part of a reactor.
A reactor scope is used to provide bean instances bound to the current reactor thread.
A login failure handler implementation that redirects the client (302) after a failed login authentication.
A login success handler implementation that redirects the client (302) after a successful login authentication.
A logout success handler implementation that redirects the client (302) after a successful logout.
A basic session store implementation that stores sessions and their data in a Redis data store.
The Redis basic session store builder.
A Redis Client exposes reactive methods to query a Redis datastore.
A configurable configuration source that stores and looks up properties in a Redis data store.
The configuration query used by the Redis configuration source.
The configuration update used by the Redis configuration source.
The executable configuration query used by the Redis configuration source.
The executable configuration update used by the Redis configuration source.
The list configuration query used by the Redis configuration source.
Redis Geo reactive commands.
GEORADIUS key longitude latitude radius m|km|ft|mi [COUNT count [ANY]] [ASC|DESC] GEORADIUSBYMEMBER key member radius m|km|ft|mi [COUNT count [ANY]] [ASC|DESC]
GEORADIUS key longitude latitude radius m|km|ft|mi [WITHCOORD] [WITHDIST] [WITHHASH] [COUNT count [ANY]] [ASC|DESC] GEORADIUSBYMEMBER key member radius m|km|ft|mi [WITHCOORD] [WITHDIST] [WITHHASH] [COUNT count [ANY]] [ASC|DESC]
GEORADIUS key longitude latitude radius m|km|ft|mi [COUNT count [ANY]] [ASC|DESC] [STORE key] [STOREDIST key] GEORADIUSBYMEMBER key member radius m|km|ft|mi [COUNT count [ANY]] [ASC|DESC] [STORE key] [STOREDIST key]
GEOSEARCH key [FROMMEMBER member] [FROMLONLAT longitude latitude] [BYRADIUS radius m|km|ft|mi] [BYBOX width height m|km|ft|mi] [ASC|DESC] [COUNT count [ANY]] GEOSEARCHSTORE destination source [FROMMEMBER member] [FROMLONLAT longitude latitude] [BYRADIUS radius m|km|ft|mi] [BYBOX width height m|km|ft|mi] [ASC|DESC] [COUNT count [ANY]]
GEOADD key [NX|XX] [CH] longitude latitude member [longitude latitude member ...]
GEORADIUS key longitude latitude radius m|km|ft|mi [COUNT count [ANY]] [ASC|DESC]
GEORADIUSBYMEMBER key member radius m|km|ft|mi [COUNT count [ANY]] [ASC|DESC]
GEORADIUSBYMEMBER key member radius m|km|ft|mi [COUNT count [ANY]] [ASC|DESC] [STORE key] [STOREDIST key]
GEORADIUS key longitude latitude radius m|km|ft|mi [WITHCOORD] [WITHDIST] [WITHHASH] [COUNT count [ANY]] [ASC|DESC]
GEORADIUS key longitude latitude radius m|km|ft|mi [COUNT count [ANY]] [ASC|DESC] [STORE key] [STOREDIST key]
GEOSEARCH key [FROMMEMBER member] [FROMLONLAT longitude latitude] [BYRADIUS radius m|km|ft|mi] [BYBOX width height m|km|ft|mi] [ASC|DESC] [COUNT count [ANY]]
GEOSEARCH key [FROMMEMBER member] [FROMLONLAT longitude latitude] [BYRADIUS radius m|km|ft|mi] [BYBOX width height m|km|ft|mi] [ASC|DESC] [COUNT count [ANY]] [WITHCOORD] [WITHDIST] [WITHHASH]
GEOSEARCHSTORE destination source [FROMMEMBER member] [FROMLONLAT longitude latitude] [BYRADIUS radius m|km|ft|mi] [BYBOX width height m|km|ft|mi] [ASC|DESC] [COUNT count [ANY]] [STOREDIST]
Redis Hashes reactive commands.
HSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count]
Redis Hyper Log Log reactive commands.
A JWT session store implementation that stores sessions and their stateful data in a Redis data store.
The Redis JWT session store builder.
Redis Keys reactive commands.
SORT key [BY pattern] [LIMIT offset count] [GET pattern [GET pattern ...]]
COPY source destination [DB destination-db] [REPLACE]
EXPIREAT key timestamp [NX|XX|GT|LT]
EXPIRE key seconds [NX|XX|GT|LT]
MIGRATE host port key|"" destination-db timeout [COPY] [REPLACE] [AUTH password] [AUTH2 username password] [KEYS key [key ...]]
PEXPIREAT key milliseconds-timestamp [NX|XX|GT|LT]
PEXPIRE key milliseconds [NX|XX|GT|LT]
RESTORE key ttl serialized-value [REPLACE] [ABSTTL] [IDLETIME seconds] [FREQ frequency]
SCAN cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count] [TYPE type]
SORT key [BY pattern] [LIMIT offset count] [GET pattern [GET pattern ...]]
SORT key [BY pattern] [LIMIT offset count] [GET pattern [GET pattern ...]]
Redis Lists reactive commands.
BLMOVE source destination LEFT|RIGHT LEFT|RIGHT timeout LMOVE source destination LEFT|RIGHT LEFT|RIGHT
BLMPOP timeout numkeys key [key ...]
BLMOVE source destination LEFT|RIGHT LEFT|RIGHT timeout
BLMPOP timeout numkeys key [key ...]
LMOVE source destination LEFT|RIGHT LEFT|RIGHT
LMPOP numkeys key [key ...]
LPOS key element [RANK rank] [COUNT num-matches] [MAXLEN len]
Redis reactive commands.
Redis Scripting reactive commands.
Redis Sets reactive commands.
SSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count]
Redis Sorted Sets reactive commands.
ZINTER numkeys key [key ...]
BZMPOP timeout numkeys key [key ...]
ZRANGE key min max [BYSCORE|BYLEX] [REV] [LIMIT offset count] [WITHSCORES] ZRANGESTORE dst src min max [BYSCORE|BYLEX] [REV] [LIMIT offset count]
ZUNION numkeys key [key ...]
BZMPOP timeout numkeys key [key ...]
ZSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count]
ZADD key [NX|XX] [GT|LT] [CH] score member [score member ...]
ZADD key [NX|XX] [GT|LT] [CH] INCR score member
ZINTER numkeys key [key ...]
ZINTERSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...]
ZINTER numkeys key [key ...]
BZMPOP timeout numkeys key [key ...]
ZRANGE key min max [BYSCORE|BYLEX] [REV] [LIMIT offset count] [WITHSCORES]
ZRANGESTORE dst src min max [BYSCORE|BYLEX] [REV] [LIMIT offset count]
ZRANGE key min max [BYSCORE|BYLEX] [REV] [LIMIT offset count] [WITHSCORES]
ZUNION numkeys key [key ...]
ZUNIONSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...]
ZUNION numkeys key [key ...]
Redis Streams reactive commands.
XADD key [NOMKSTREAM] [MAXLEN|MINID [=|~] threshold [LIMIT count]] *|id field value [field value ...]
XAUTOCLAIM key group consumer min-idle-time start [COUNT count] [JUSTID]
XCLAIM key group consumer min-idle-time id [id ...]
XGROUP CREATE key groupname id|$ [MKSTREAM]
XPENDING key group [IDLE min-idle-time] start end count [consumer]
XREAD [COUNT count] [BLOCK milliseconds] STREAMS key [key ...] id [id ...]
XREADGROUP GROUP group consumer [COUNT count] [BLOCK milliseconds] [NOACK] STREAMS key [key ...] id [id ...]
XTRIM key MAXLEN|MINID [=|~] threshold [LIMIT count]
Redis Strings reactive commands.
SET key value [EX seconds|PX milliseconds|EXAT unix-time-seconds|PXAT unix-time-milliseconds|KEEPTTL] [NX|XX] [GET]
BITFIELD key [GET encoding offset] [SET encoding offset value] [INCRBY encoding offset increment] [OVERFLOW WRAP|SAT|FAIL]
GETEX key [EX seconds|PX milliseconds|EXAT unix-time|PXAT unix-time|PERSIST]
SET key value [EX seconds|PX milliseconds|EXAT unix-time-seconds|PXAT unix-time-milliseconds|KEEPTTL] [NX|XX]
SET key value [EX seconds|PX milliseconds|EXAT unix-time-seconds|PXAT unix-time-milliseconds|KEEPTTL] [NX|XX] [GET]
A Redis Client exposes reactive method to query a Redis datastore with transaction support.
Redis reactive commands with transaction support.
Redis MULTI/EXEC sequence result.
A UserRepository implementation that stores users in a Redis data store.
Represents a client request in a client exchange.
Represents a client request in a server exchange.
Represents the request payload sent by a client to a server in a client exchange.
Represents the payload body of a client request in a server exchange.
A Multipart form data producer.
A multipart/form-data consumer as defined by RFC 7578.
A resource data producer.
A URL encoded data producer.
An application/x-www-form-urlencoded data consumer as defined by application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
Thrown when a request has timed out.
Thrown to indicate that an HTTP/2 steam has been reset by peer.
Thrown to indicate that an HTTP/2 steam has been reset by peer.
A resource represents an abstraction of an actual resource like a file, an entry in a zip/jar file, a on the classpath...
Thrown to indicate an error in a resource related operation.
A resource provider is used to resolve some particular kinds of resources.
Provides a unified access to resources, giving the ability to obtain Resource instances for various kind of resources.
Represents a client response in a client exchange.
Represents a server response in a server exchange.
Represents the response payload received by a client from a server in a client exchange.
Represents the payload body of a server response in a server exchange.
A resource payload producer.
A server-sent events payload producer as defined by Server-Sent Events.
Represents a server-sent event.
A server-sent event factory is used to create server-sent events.
An access controller that uses roles to control the access to services or resources based on the permissions that were granted to an authenticated entity.
A traffic load balancer that selects instances in a deterministic order by iterating on a list of instances.
A route defines the path to a resource in a router.
a route extractor is used internally in an AbstractRouter to extract routes defined in the routing chain.
A route manager is used to fluently define routes in a Router.
A router resolves the best matching resource for a specific input.
A routing link is used in an AbstractRouter to implement a routing chain.
A routing chain builder.
A single row in a query result.
Exposes database row metadata.
RSA algorithms as defined by RFC7518.
RSA JSON Web Key other prime info.
RSA JSON Web Key builder.
RSA JSON Web Key factory.
RSA JSON Web Key generator.
Runs the project in a separate process and wait for the application to stop.
A scope can be used to define a bean which allows to create and retrieve different bean instances depending on a particular scope.
A password that uses Scrypt hashing function to encode password.
A Scrypt password encoder implementation.
The security context represents the central security component in an application.
The security exchange context which exposes Authentication, Identity and AccessController in the exchange context.
A security context builder.
An intercepted security exchange context used by security interceptors to populate the security context.
Base exception class used to report security errors.
The security interceptor extracts the credentials send by a requester, authenticates them and creates the security context in the exchange.
A security manager authenticate the credentials of an entity and obtain the SecurityContext used to protect services and resources in the application.
The Selector annotation is used to identify selector annotations.
A server controller defines how server exchanges and server error exchanges are handled, within the HTTP server.
A service is resolved by a DiscoveryService, it gives access to one or more ServiceInstance that are eventually used to process a service request.
Thrown to indicate an error during service discovery process.
A service ID identifies a service.
A service instance is used to process a service request.
Thrown to indicate that no service could be resolved by a DiscoveryService for a specific ServiceID.
A HTTP exception that indicates that the requested resource is Service Unavailable (503).
A session provides a way to persist data across multiple requests.
An authenticator that simply returns the authentication resolved from a session.
The general session context which exposes the session in the exchange context.
An intercepted session context used by the session interceptor to populate the session context.
Credentials wrapping an authentication resolved from a session.
A strategy for determining whether resolved session data shall be saved when saving a session.
A session identifier extractor extracts the session identifier from an exchange, typically the request.
A session identifier generator is used to generate unique session id.
A session injector injects or removes the session identifier from an exchange.
The session interceptor extracts the session identifier send by a requester, resolves the session, populates the session context in the exchange, injects the session into the exchange and saves the session after the request has been processed.
A logout success handler that invalidates the session.
A session store is used to create, get, save, move and remove session and its data uniquely identified by a session id in a data store.
Represents an HTTP set-cookie as defined by RFC 6265 Section 4.1
A configurator used to configure a set-cookie.
A set cookie with parameter's conversion capabilities.
A container object which may or may not contain a value which can be null.
A simple password policy that simply checks for password's length.
A simple password strength implementation.
A decoder that can decode an object to a collection of objects.
An object decoder which is splittable with primitive decoding bindings.
A SQL Client exposes reactive method to query a RDBMS using SQL.
Specifies basic reactive SQL operations
The SQL result of a single SQL statement.
Binds a server-sent events factory to a Web route method parameter.
A standard Banner implementation that displays basic useful information about the module and the runtime environment.
Starts the project in a separate process and return.
A statement for executing static SQL operations.
A static handler used to serve static resources resolved from a base resource.
Enumeration of HTTP statuses as defined by RFC 7231 Section 6.
Describes the category of an HTTP status as defined by RFC 7231 Section 6.
A task for stopping a running project whose pid is provided in a file.
A stream pipe is used within a template to transform a stream before applying templates to the elements of the stream.
A collection of pipes used to transform streams including: filter, sort, map, flatMap...
An extensible string converter.
A converter that converts strings to objects.
A symmetric JSON Web Key based on a symmetric key.
A configuration source that looks up properties from the system environment variables.
A configuration source that looks up properties from the system properties.
A build task.
Thrown to indicate that a build task execution failed.
Template set definition which specifies the methods used in a generated template set implementation to render objects in a procedural or reactive way.
A particular TemplateSet.Renderable with the ability to expose the index of the value in a group of elements to the renderer (eg. an array, an iterable, a stream, a publisher...).
A renderable is used to render a value with a particular type of object typically by invoking the corresponding template in a TemplateSet implementation.
ByteBuf text/plain media type converter.
String text/plain media type converter.
A thread scope is used to provide bean instances bound to the current thread.
An authentication which comprises a token that uniquely and securely identifies the authentication.
Credentials used to authenticate an entity based on a verifiable token.
A traffic load balancer is used in a Service to load balance the traffic among its list of ServiceInstance.
A traffic load balancer factory.
A traffic specifies the configuration and load balancing strategy used by a service to create its list of ServiceInstance and load balance service request among them.
SQL operations with support for transactions.
A type argument builder is used to specify the arguments of a parameterized type.
A type builder is used to build parameterized types.
Utility methods for Types manipulation.
A wildcard type argument builder is used to specify the bounds of a parameterized type variable.
A HTTP exception that indicates that the access to a server resource is Unauthorized (401).
An Exchange which is not bound to any Endpoint.
SQL unsafe or experimental operations.
A HTTP exception that indicates that the request body is of an Unsupported Media Type (415) for the requested resource.
An HTTP exception that indicates that the WebSocket subprotocols provided in the upgrade request are not supported.
A URI builder is used for creating URIs as defined by RFC 3986.
Thrown by a URIBuilder to indicate an error when building a URI.
An engine that performs match operations on a URI by interpreting a URI pattern.
A URI pattern is used to create a URI matcher to perform match operation on URI against against a regular expression built from a URI Builder's components.
Describes the inclusion state of a URI pattern in another URI pattern.
A URI route.
A URI route extractor.
A URI route manager.
A RoutingLink implementation resolving resources by matching the URI in an input.
Utility methods for URIs manipulation.
Defines the options used to create a URI builder.
Defines the forms supported when building a URI from a request-target as defined by RFC 7230 Section 5.3.
A Resource implementation that identifies resources by a URL that looks up data by opening a URLConnection.
An application user that can be authenticated in an application using password credentials.
A builder used to build users.
An authentication resulting from the authentication of a user uniquely identified by a username in a UserAuthenticator.
An authenticator used to authenticate users with PrincipalCredentials.
Resolves an identity from a UserAuthentication.
A repository used to store, access and manage users.
Thrown to indicate an error while accessing a user repository.
A configurable configuration source that stores and looks up properties in a Redis data store.
The configuration key used by the Redis configuration source.
Provides information about a particular configuration branch.
The configuration query used by the Redis configuration source.
The configuration query result returned by the Redis configuration source.
The configuration update used by the Redis configuration source.
The configuration update result returned by the Redis configuration source.
The executable configuration query used by the Redis configuration source.
The executable configuration update used by the Redis configuration source.
The list configuration query used by the Redis configuration source.
A specific Reactor backed by Vert.x core.
Vert.x SQL client module configuration.
A WebSocket exchange.
A WebSocket exchange that extends the HTTP server WebSocketExchange with features for the Web.
A WebSocket exchange configurer.
The @WebClient annotation indicates Web client stub interface.
A Web client for invoking HTTP services.
Web client boot used that initializes the root Web client.
An intercepted Web client.
A Web exchange builder.
Web client module configuration.
The WebController annotation is used in conjunction with the @Bean annotation to indicate a Web controller bean.
An exchange that extends HTTP client Exchange with features for the Web.
An exchange that extends HTTP server Exchange with features for the Web.
A Web exchange configurer.
Web router configurer used to configure routes exposing WebJars resources deployed on the module path or class path.
A part with payload encoding support.
A part with payload decoding support.
A part factory supporting payload encoding.
A request with supports for body encoding based on the request content type.
A request with supports for path parameters and body decoding based on the request content type.
A Web request body with payload encoding support.
A request body with payload decoding support.
A response with supports for body decoding based on the response content type.
A response with supports for body encoding based on the response content type.
A Web response body with payload decoding support.
A response body with payload encoding support.
A server-sent events data producer used to encode data from a single object or many objects.
A server-sent event with data encoding support.
A server-sent events factory with data encoding support.
Specifies a Web route in a Web client stub.
Specifies a Web route in a Web controller.
A Web route specifies criteria used to determine the Web exchange handler to execute to handle an exchange.
Entry point for configuring the Web exchange interceptors to apply when processing Web exchange in an intercepted Web client.
Entry point for configuring the Web exchange interceptors to apply when creating Web routes in an intercepted Web server.
A configurer used to configure Web route interceptors in a Web client.
A configurer used to configure Web route interceptors in a Web server.
Defines Web route interceptors and creates decorated Web clients intercepting Web exchanges.
Defines Web route interceptors and creates decorated Web servers intercepting Web routes.
A URI configurator used to configure URI criteria in a Web route interceptor manager.
Manages Web routes in the Web server.
Entry point for configuring the Web routes used to route Web exchanges to a matching Web exchange handlers.
A configurer used to configure Web routes in a Web server.
The WebRoutes annotation is used in conjunction with the @Bean annotation on a Web router configurer bean or a Web server configurer bean.
The Web server intercepts routes exchanges to matching handlers.
Initializes the Web server in order to be able to specify context aware interceptors and routes.
A configurer used to configure a Web server.
An intercepted Web server applies interceptors when defining Web routes or error Web routes when their criteria are matching interceptor definitions.
Web server module configuration.
A server-side WebSocket.
Thrown to indicate an error while processing a WebSocket exchange.
Represents a WebSocket exchange between the client and an endpoint.
Represents a WebSocket exchange between a client and the server.
A WebSocket exchange handler is used to handle WebSocket exchange.
Represents a WebSocket frame as defined by RFC 6455 Section 5.
A factory used to create WebSocket frame.
WebSocket frame type as defined by RFC 6455 Section 5.
Represents a WebSocket message which can be fragmented into multiple data frames as defined by RFC 6455 Section 5.4.
A factory used to create WebSocket message.
WebSocket message type.
Specifies a WebSocket route in a Web client stub.
Specifies a WebSocket route in a Web controller.
A WebSocket route specifies criteria used to determine the WebSocket exchange handler to execute to handle an exchange.
Manages WebSocket routes in the Web server.
Represents WebSocket status codes as defined by RC 6455 Section 7.4.
A WebSocket subprotocol route.
A WebSocket subprotocol route extractor.
A WebSocket subprotocol route manager.
A RoutingLink implementation resolving resources by matching the WebSocket subprotocols accepted in an input.
A weighted element defining a weight
A traffic load balancer that selects a random service instance in a weighted list of service instances.
A traffic load balancer that selects instances in a deterministic order by iterating on a weighted list of instances.
A weighted ServiceInstance.
Configures white label error routes handling common HTTP errors and responding with application/json, text/html or text/plain.
A wildcard type argument builder is used to specify the bounds of a parameterized type argument.
Used on a module to specify an explicit wire directive when multiple matches are found during the auto-wiring process for instance.
Used on a module builder class to specify how the socket beans of a module are wired to module beans and/or imported module beans.
Annotation that aggregates several @Wire annotations.
Used in conjunction with @Bean to indicate a wrapper bean.
A wrapping Key Management algorithm used to wrap a generated CEK used to encrypt a JWE payload.
A wrapped CEK composed of the wrapped key and a map of specific parameters resulting from the CEK wrapping and required by the recipient to unwrap the key.
An asymmetric JSON Web key that supports X.509 JOSE header parameters: x5u, x5c, x5t and x5t#S256.
An X.509 JWK builder is used to build X.509 asymmetric JSON Web Keys that support X.509 JOSE header parameters: x5u, x5c, x5t and x5t#S256.
An X.509 certificates path validator is used by a JWKBuilder to validate a certificates chain.
An X.509 JWK factory used to build, read or generate JSON Web Keys that support X.509 JOSE header parameters: x5u, x5c, x5t and x5t#S256.
An X.509 JWK generator used to generate JSON Web Keys that support X.509 JOSE header parameters: x5u, x5c, x5t and x5t#S256.
OKP Elliptic curve key management algorithms as defined by RFC8037 Section 3.1.
Extended Elliptic curve JSON Web Key.
Extended Elliptic curve JSON Web Key builder
Extended Elliptic curve JSON Web Key factory.
Extended Elliptic curve JSON Web Key generator.
A Resource implementation that identifies resources by a URI of the form zip:file:/path/to/zip!/path/to/resource and looks up data in a zip file on the file system system.