Interface JWTSessionIdGenerator<A,B>

Type Parameters:
A - the session data type
B - the stateless session data type
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
JWTESessionIdGenerator, JWTSSessionIdGenerator

public interface JWTSessionIdGenerator<A,B> extends SessionIdGenerator<A,JWTSession<A,B>>

A session id generator that generates JWT identifier containing session expiration settings and stateless session data.

It is also used by JWT session stores to validate and decrypt JWT when resolving session.

JWT expiration time and issued at claims must be expressed in seconds since epoch, as a result session creation time and session expiration time must be rounded to the lowest integer when generating the JWT session id.

Jeremy Kuhn
  • Field Details


      static final String CLAIM_MAX_INACTIVE_INTERVAL
      The maximum inactive interval claim name.
      See Also:

      static final String CLAIM_SESSION_DATA
      The session data claim name.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • generate

      default Mono<String> generate(JWTSession<A,B> session)
      Description copied from interface: SessionIdGenerator

      Generates a new identifier for the specified session.

      Specified by:
      generate in interface SessionIdGenerator<A,B>
      session - a session
      a mono generating a session id
    • generateJWT

      Mono<? extends JOSEObject<JWTClaimsSet,?>> generateJWT(JWTSession<A,B> session)

      Generates a JWT session identifier for the specified JWT session.

      Implementors should ensure that JWT are generated with unique JWT token identifiers (i.e. JTI) to prevent against replay attack.

      session - a JWT session
      a mono generating a JWT
    • readJWT

      Mono<? extends JOSEObject<JWTClaimsSet,?>> readJWT(String sessionId)

      Validates and decrypts the specified JWT session identifier.

      sessionId - a JWT session identifier
      a mono reading a JWT session identifier
    • jws

      static <A, B> JWTSessionIdGenerator<A,B> jws(JWTService jwtService, Consumer<JWSHeaderConfigurator<?>> headerConfigurer)

      Returns a new JWT session id generator that generates JWT as JWS which guarantees the integrity of the data within the session id.

      Type Parameters:
      A - the session data type
      B - the stateless session data type
      jwtService - the JWT service
      headerConfigurer - the JWT header configurer
      a new JWT JWS session id generator
    • jws

      static <A, B> JWTSessionIdGenerator<A,B> jws(JWTService jwtService, Consumer<JWSHeaderConfigurator<?>> headerConfigurer, String issuer)

      Returns a new JWT session id generator that generates JWT as JWS with the specified issuer and which guarantees the integrity of the data within the session id.

      The issuer is validated when reading JWT session identifier.

      Type Parameters:
      A - the session data type
      B - the stateless session data type
      jwtService - the JWT service
      headerConfigurer - the JWT header configurer
      issuer - the issuer
      a new JWT JWS session id generator
    • jwe

      static <A, B> JWTSessionIdGenerator<A,B> jwe(JWTService jwtService, Consumer<JWEHeaderConfigurator<?>> headerConfigurer)

      Returns a new JWT session id generator that generates JWT as JWE guarantees both integrity and confidentiality of the data within the session id.

      Type Parameters:
      A - the session data type
      B - the stateless session data type
      jwtService - the JWT service
      headerConfigurer - the JWT header configurer
      a new JWT JWS session id generator
    • jwe

      static <A, B> JWTSessionIdGenerator<A,B> jwe(JWTService jwtService, Consumer<JWEHeaderConfigurator<?>> headerConfigurer, String issuer)

      Returns a new JWT session id generator that generates JWT as JWS with the specified issuer and which guarantees both integrity and confidentiality of the data within the session id.

      The issuer is validated when reading JWT session identifier.

      Type Parameters:
      A - the session data type
      B - the stateless session data type
      jwtService - the JWT service
      headerConfigurer - the JWT header configurer
      issuer - the issuer
      a new JWT JWE session id generator