Interface LogoutSuccessHandler<A extends Authentication,B extends Identity,C extends AccessController,D extends SecurityContext<B,C>,E extends Exchange<D>>

Type Parameters:
A - the authentication type
B - the identity type
C - the access controller type
D - the security context type
E - the exchange type
All Known Implementing Classes:
CookieTokenLogoutSuccessHandler, RedirectLogoutSuccessHandler, SessionLogoutSuccessHandler

public interface LogoutSuccessHandler<A extends Authentication,B extends Identity,C extends AccessController,D extends SecurityContext<B,C>,E extends Exchange<D>>

Handles successful logout in a LogoutActionHandler.

Jeremy Kuhn
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • handleLogoutSuccess

      Mono<Void> handleLogoutSuccess(E exchange, A authentication)

      Handles successful logout.

      exchange - the exchange
      authentication - the authentication
      a mono which completes when the logout has been handled
    • andThen

      default LogoutSuccessHandler<A,B,C,D,E> andThen(LogoutSuccessHandler<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> after)

      Invokes this logout success handler and then invokes the specified logout success handler.

      after - the handler to invoke after this handler
      a composed logout success handler that invokes in sequence this handler followed by the specified handler
    • compose

      default LogoutSuccessHandler<A,B,C,D,E> compose(LogoutSuccessHandler<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> before)

      Invokes the specified logout success handler and then invokes this logout success handler.

      before - the handler to invoke before this handler
      a composed logout success handler that invokes in sequence the specified handler followed by this handler
    • of

      @SafeVarargs static <A extends Authentication, B extends Identity, C extends AccessController, D extends SecurityContext<B, C>, E extends Exchange<D>> LogoutSuccessHandler<A,B,C,D,E> of(LogoutSuccessHandler<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E>... handlers)

      Returns a composed logout success handler that invokes the specified handlers in sequence.

      Type Parameters:
      A - the authentication type
      B - the identity type
      C - the access controller type
      D - the security context type
      E - the exchange type
      handlers - the list of handlers to invoke in sequence
      a composed logout success handler that invokes the specified handlers in sequence