Interface WebRouteInterceptorManager.UriConfigurator

Enclosing interface:
WebRouteInterceptorManager<A extends ExchangeContext,B extends WebRouteInterceptor<A>>

public static interface WebRouteInterceptorManager.UriConfigurator

A URI configurator used to configure URI criteria in a Web route interceptor manager.

This especially allows to define path patterns to match range of URIs.

Jeremy Kuhn
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • scheme

      Specifies the URI scheme that must be matched by a Web exchange URI to be intercepted.

      The value can be parameterized and include patterns like ? or * as defined by URIBuilder. Note that this is only meant to filter exchanges and as a result named parameters have no use. For instance, any value can be matched by specifying `{:*}`.

      scheme - a scheme (e.g. http)
      the URI configurator
    • authority

      Specifies the URI authority that must be matched by a Web exchange URI to be intercepted.

      The value can be parameterized and support patterns like ? or * as defined by URIBuilder. Note that this is only meant to filter exchanges and as a result named parameters have no use. For instance, any value can be matched by specifying `{:*}`.

      This basically overrides userInfo(String), host(String) and port(String).

      authority - an authority (e.g.
      the URI configurator
    • userInfo

      Specifies the user info that must be matched by a Web exchange URI to be intercepted.

      The value can be parameterized and include patterns like ? or * as defined by URIBuilder. Note that this is only meant to filter exchanges and as a result named parameters have no use. For instance, any value can be matched by specifying `{:*}`.

      userInfo - a user info (e.g. user:password)
      the URI configurator
    • host

      Specifies the host that must be matched by a Web exchange URI to be intercepted.

      The value can be parameterized and include patterns like ? or * as defined by URIBuilder. Note that this is only meant to filter exchanges and as a result named parameters have no use. For instance, any value can be matched by specifying `{:*}`.

      host - a user info (e.g.
      the URI configurator
    • port

      Specifies the port that must be matched by a Web exchange URI to be intercepted.

      Port matching is exact, in order to match, a URI must define the port explicitly when a port is specified and omit it otherwise.

      port - a port (e.g. 80)
      the URI configurator
    • port

      Specifies the port that must be matched by a Web exchange URI to be intercepted.

      Port matching is exact, in order to match, a URI must define the port explicitly when a port is specified and omit it otherwise.

      The value can be parameterized and include patterns like ? or * as defined by URIBuilder. Note that this is only meant to filter exchanges and as a result named path parameters have no use. For instance, any value can be matched by specifying `{:*}`.

      port - a port (e.g. 80)
      the URI configurator
    • path

      Specifies the absolute path that must be matched by a Web exchange URI to be intercepted.

      The path can be specified as a parameterized path and include path pattern like ?, * or ** as defined by URIBuilder. Note that this path is only meant to filter routes and as a result path parameters have no use. For instance, any path can be matched by specifying `/**`.

      path - a path
      the URI configurator
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified path is not absolute
    • path

      WebRouteInterceptorManager.UriConfigurator path(String path, boolean matchTrailingSlash) throws IllegalArgumentException

      Specifies the absolute path that must be matched with or without trailing slash by a Web exchange URI to be intercepted.

      The path can be specified as a parameterized path and include path pattern like ?, *, ** as defined by URIBuilder. Note that this path is only meant to filter routes and as a result path parameters have no use.

      path - a path
      matchTrailingSlash - true to match path with or without trailing slash, false otherwise
      the URI configurator
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified path is not absolute