Interface PermissionBasedAccessController

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public interface PermissionBasedAccessController extends AccessController

An access controller that uses permissions to control the access to services or resources based on the permissions that were granted to an authenticated entity.

This access controller is able to determine whether an authenticated entity has a particular set of permissions in a particular application context.

The following code shows how to determine whether permission print has been granted:

     PermissionBasedAccessController accessController = ...
     accessController.hasPermission("print").doOnNext(granted -> {...})...    

Permissions can be parameterized in order to control the access to a service or a resource based on a particular context. For instance, if a printing application wants to control access to printers based on the their names or a user's location, permissions can be checked by defining these as parameters as follows:

     PermissionBasedAccessController accessController = ...
     accessController.hasPermission("print", "name", "lp1200", "location", "desk_1234").doOnNext(granted -> {...})...    

The priority given to parameters and defaulting support when evaluating permissions is implementation specific.

Jeremy Kuhn
  • Method Details

    • hasPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasPermission(String permission, String k1, String v1)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameter.

      permission - the permission to evaluate
      k1 - the parameter key
      v1 - the parameter value
      a mono emitting true if the permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasPermission(String permission, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permission - the permission to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      a mono emitting true if the permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasPermission(String permission, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permission - the permission to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      a mono emitting true if the permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasPermission(String permission, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permission - the permission to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if the permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasPermission(String permission, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permission - the permission to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if the permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasPermission(String permission, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5, String k6, String v6)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permission - the permission to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      k6 - the sixth parameter key
      v6 - the sixth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if the permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasPermission(String permission, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5, String k6, String v6, String k7, String v7)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permission - the permission to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      k6 - the sixth parameter key
      v6 - the sixth parameter value
      k7 - the seventh parameter key
      v7 - the seventh parameter value
      a mono emitting true if the permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasPermission(String permission, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5, String k6, String v6, String k7, String v7, String k8, String v8)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permission - the permission to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      k6 - the sixth parameter key
      v6 - the sixth parameter value
      k7 - the seventh parameter key
      v7 - the seventh parameter value
      k8 - the eighth parameter key
      v8 - the eighth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if the permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasPermission(String permission, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5, String k6, String v6, String k7, String v7, String k8, String v8, String k9, String v9)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permission - the permission to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      k6 - the sixth parameter key
      v6 - the sixth parameter value
      k7 - the seventh parameter key
      v7 - the seventh parameter value
      k8 - the eighth parameter key
      v8 - the eighth parameter value
      k9 - the ninth parameter key
      v9 - the ninth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if the permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasPermission(String permission, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5, String k6, String v6, String k7, String v7, String k8, String v8, String k9, String v9, String k10, String v10)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permission - the permission to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      k6 - the sixth parameter key
      v6 - the sixth parameter value
      k7 - the seventh parameter key
      v7 - the seventh parameter value
      k8 - the eighth parameter key
      v8 - the eighth parameter value
      k9 - the ninth parameter key
      v9 - the ninth parameter value
      k10 - the tenth parameter key
      v10 - the tenth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if the permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasPermission(String permission, PermissionBasedAccessController.Parameter... parameters)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permission - the permission to evaluate
      parameters - an array of parameters
      a mono emitting true if the permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasPermission

      Mono<Boolean> hasPermission(String permission, List<PermissionBasedAccessController.Parameter> parameters)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permission - the permission to evaluate
      parameters - a list of parameters
      a mono emitting true if the permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasAnyPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAnyPermission(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has any of the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameter.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the parameter key
      v1 - the parameter value
      a mono emitting true if a permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasAnyPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAnyPermission(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has any of the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      a mono emitting true if a permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasAnyPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAnyPermission(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has any of the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      a mono emitting true if a permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasAnyPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAnyPermission(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has any of the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if a permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasAnyPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAnyPermission(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has any of the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if a permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasAnyPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAnyPermission(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5, String k6, String v6)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has any of the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      k6 - the sixth parameter key
      v6 - the sixth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if a permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasAnyPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAnyPermission(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5, String k6, String v6, String k7, String v7)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has any of the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      k6 - the sixth parameter key
      v6 - the sixth parameter value
      k7 - the seventh parameter key
      v7 - the seventh parameter value
      a mono emitting true if a permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasAnyPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAnyPermission(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5, String k6, String v6, String k7, String v7, String k8, String v8)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has any of the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      k6 - the sixth parameter key
      v6 - the sixth parameter value
      k7 - the seventh parameter key
      v7 - the seventh parameter value
      k8 - the eighth parameter key
      v8 - the eighth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if a permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasAnyPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAnyPermission(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5, String k6, String v6, String k7, String v7, String k8, String v8, String k9, String v9)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has any of the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      k6 - the sixth parameter key
      v6 - the sixth parameter value
      k7 - the seventh parameter key
      v7 - the seventh parameter value
      k8 - the eighth parameter key
      v8 - the eighth parameter value
      k9 - the ninth parameter key
      v9 - the ninth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if a permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasAnyPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAnyPermission(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5, String k6, String v6, String k7, String v7, String k8, String v8, String k9, String v9, String k10, String v10)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has any of the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      k6 - the sixth parameter key
      v6 - the sixth parameter value
      k7 - the seventh parameter key
      v7 - the seventh parameter value
      k8 - the eighth parameter key
      v8 - the eighth parameter value
      k9 - the ninth parameter key
      v9 - the ninth parameter value
      k10 - the tenth parameter key
      v10 - the tenth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if a permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasAnyPermission

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAnyPermission(Set<String> permissions, PermissionBasedAccessController.Parameter... parameters)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has any of the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      parameters - an array of parameters
      a mono emitting true if a permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasAnyPermission

      Mono<Boolean> hasAnyPermission(Set<String> permissions, List<PermissionBasedAccessController.Parameter> parameters)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has any of the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      parameters - a list of parameters
      a mono emitting true if a permission is granted, false otherwise
    • hasAllPermissions

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAllPermissions(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has all the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameter.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the parameter key
      v1 - the parameter value
      a mono emitting true if all permissions are granted, false otherwise
    • hasAllPermissions

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAllPermissions(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has all the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      a mono emitting true if all permissions are granted, false otherwise
    • hasAllPermissions

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAllPermissions(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has all the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      a mono emitting true if all permissions are granted, false otherwise
    • hasAllPermissions

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAllPermissions(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has all the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if all permissions are granted, false otherwise
    • hasAllPermissions

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAllPermissions(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has all the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if all permissions are granted, false otherwise
    • hasAllPermissions

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAllPermissions(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5, String k6, String v6)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has all the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      k6 - the sixth parameter key
      v6 - the sixth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if all permissions are granted, false otherwise
    • hasAllPermissions

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAllPermissions(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5, String k6, String v6, String k7, String v7)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has all the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      k6 - the sixth parameter key
      v6 - the sixth parameter value
      k7 - the seventh parameter key
      v7 - the seventh parameter value
      a mono emitting true if all permissions are granted, false otherwise
    • hasAllPermissions

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAllPermissions(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5, String k6, String v6, String k7, String v7, String k8, String v8)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has all the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      k6 - the sixth parameter key
      v6 - the sixth parameter value
      k7 - the seventh parameter key
      v7 - the seventh parameter value
      k8 - the eighth parameter key
      v8 - the eighth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if all permissions are granted, false otherwise
    • hasAllPermissions

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAllPermissions(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5, String k6, String v6, String k7, String v7, String k8, String v8, String k9, String v9)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has all the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      k6 - the sixth parameter key
      v6 - the sixth parameter value
      k7 - the seventh parameter key
      v7 - the seventh parameter value
      k8 - the eighth parameter key
      v8 - the eighth parameter value
      k9 - the ninth parameter key
      v9 - the ninth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if all permissions are granted, false otherwise
    • hasAllPermissions

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAllPermissions(Set<String> permissions, String k1, String v1, String k2, String v2, String k3, String v3, String k4, String v4, String k5, String v5, String k6, String v6, String k7, String v7, String k8, String v8, String k9, String v9, String k10, String v10)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has all the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      k1 - the first parameter key
      v1 - the first parameter value
      k2 - the second parameter key
      v2 - the second parameter value
      k3 - the third parameter key
      v3 - the third parameter value
      k4 - the fourth parameter key
      v4 - the fourth parameter value
      k5 - the fifth parameter key
      v5 - the fifth parameter value
      k6 - the sixth parameter key
      v6 - the sixth parameter value
      k7 - the seventh parameter key
      v7 - the seventh parameter value
      k8 - the eighth parameter key
      v8 - the eighth parameter value
      k9 - the ninth parameter key
      v9 - the ninth parameter value
      k10 - the tenth parameter key
      v10 - the tenth parameter value
      a mono emitting true if all permissions are granted, false otherwise
    • hasAllPermissions

      default Mono<Boolean> hasAllPermissions(Set<String> permissions, PermissionBasedAccessController.Parameter... parameters)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has all the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      parameters - an array of parameters
      a mono emitting true if all permissions are granted, false otherwise
    • hasAllPermissions

      Mono<Boolean> hasAllPermissions(Set<String> permissions, List<PermissionBasedAccessController.Parameter> parameters)

      Determines whether the authenticated entity has all the specified permissions in the context defined by the specified parameters.

      permissions - the set of permissions to evaluate
      parameters - a list of parameters
      a mono emitting true if all permissions are granted, false otherwise