Interface BasicSessionSecurityContext<A extends Authentication,B extends Identity,C extends AccessController,D extends AuthSessionData<A>>

Type Parameters:
A - the authentication type
B - the identity type
C - the access controller type
D - the authentication session data type
All Superinterfaces:
BasicSessionContext<D>, ExchangeContext, SecurityContext<B,C>, SecurityContext<B,C>, SessionContext<D,Session<D>>
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface BasicSessionSecurityContext<A extends Authentication,B extends Identity,C extends AccessController,D extends AuthSessionData<A>> extends SecurityContext<B,C>, BasicSessionContext<D>

The basic session security exchange context.

This context extends both SecurityContext and BasicSessionContext, and as such expose both session and security contexts in the application. It shall be used to support basic session authentication.

Jeremy Kuhn