Interface SessionContext.Intercepted<A,B extends Session<A>>

Type Parameters:
A - the session data type
B - the session type
All Superinterfaces:
ExchangeContext, SessionContext<A,B>
All Known Subinterfaces:
BasicSessionContext.Intercepted<A>, BasicSessionSecurityContext.Intercepted<A,B,C,D>, JWTSessionContext.Intercepted<A,B>, JWTSessionSecurityContext.Intercepted<A,B,C,D>
Enclosing interface:
SessionContext<A,B extends Session<A>>

public static interface SessionContext.Intercepted<A,B extends Session<A>> extends SessionContext<A,B>

An intercepted session context used by the session interceptor to populate the session context.

It should only be considered when configuring the session interceptor which must be the only one allowed to set the session context. Other interceptors or handlers should always use the SessionContext.

Jeremy Kuhn
  • Method Details

    • setSessionPresent

      void setSessionPresent(boolean sessionPresent)

      Sets whether the session has been resolved or not.

      sessionPresent - true if the session has been resolved, false otherwise
    • setSession

      void setSession(Mono<B> session)

      Sets the session publisher in the context which returns the resolved session or creates a new one if none were present.

      session - a session publisher