Class LogoutActionHandler<A extends Authentication,B extends Identity,C extends AccessController,D extends SecurityContext<B,C>,E extends Exchange<D>>

Type Parameters:
A - the authentication type
B - the identity type
C - the access controller type
D - the security context type
E - the exchange type
All Implemented Interfaces:
ExchangeHandler<D,E>, ReactiveExchangeHandler<D,E>

public class LogoutActionHandler<A extends Authentication,B extends Identity,C extends AccessController,D extends SecurityContext<B,C>,E extends Exchange<D>> extends Object implements ExchangeHandler<D,E>

An exchange handler that logs out a logged in entity and delegates further processing to a success handler.

A logout action handler is used whenever there is a need to explicitly invalidate an authentication (e.g. invalidate a token credentials) or free resources locked by that authentication (e.g. remove a session). It uses an AuthenticationReleaser to release the authentication and a LogoutSuccessHandler to handle successful logouts.

Jeremy Kuhn