Annotation Interface Mutator

@Retention(CLASS) @Target(TYPE) public @interface Mutator

Used in conjunction with @Bean to declare a mutating socket bean.

A mutating socket bean must implement Function<A, B> where A is the type of the socket exposed by the module and B is the type of the instance after transformation and used during dependency injection.

 @Mutator @Bean
 public class MutatingSocketBean implements Function<Type, TransformedType> {
     public TransformedType apply(Type instance) {...}

Such socket can be created when there is a need to pre-process, adapt, decorate or transform an external dependency to fit module's needs.

Jeremy Kuhn
See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Indicates whether the socket should be required and mutator always invoked regardless on whether the socket is wired or not.
  • Element Details

    • required

      boolean required

      Indicates whether the socket should be required and mutator always invoked regardless on whether the socket is wired or not.

      true to make the socket required and always invoke the mutator on the wired instance, false otherwise