Interface Authenticator<A extends Credentials,B extends Authentication>

Type Parameters:
A - the type of credentials
B - the type of authentication
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPrincipalAuthenticator, ActiveDirectoryAuthenticator, JWEAuthenticator, JWSAuthenticator, JWTEAuthenticator, JWTSAuthenticator, LDAPAuthenticator, PrincipalAuthenticator, SessionAuthenticator, UserAuthenticator
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface Authenticator<A extends Credentials,B extends Authentication>

An authenticator is used to authenticate the Credentials of an entity that wants to access protected services or resources.

The Authentication returned by the authenticate( method represents a proof of authentication, namely that the entity credentials have been validated.

Jeremy Kuhn
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    authenticate(A credentials)
    Authenticates the specified credentials and returns an authentication.
    default Authenticator<A,B>
    Transforms the authenticator so it fails on denied authentications.
    default Authenticator<A,B>
    Transforms the authenticator so it fails on denied and anonymous authentications.
    default <T extends Authentication>
    flatMap(Function<? super B,? extends Mono<? extends T>> mapper)
    Invokes this authenticator and then transforms the resulting authentication publisher.
    default <T extends Authentication>
    map(Function<? super B,? extends T> mapper)
    Invokes this authenticator and then transforms the resulting authentication.
    default Authenticator<A,B>
    or(Authenticator<? super A,? extends B> other)
    Returns a composed authenticator which first invokes this authenticator and, if the credentials could not be authenticated, invokes the specified authenticator.
  • Method Details

    • authenticate

      Mono<B> authenticate(A credentials) throws AuthenticationException

      Authenticates the specified credentials and returns an authentication.

      Implementations can return an empty mono to indicate that they were unable to authenticate the credentials. This does not mean credentials are invalid, this simply mean that a particular authenticator does not manage them and therefore can's possibly determine whether they are valid. For example, when considering login credentials composed of a user and a password, an authenticator which does not manage that particular user can return an empty mono.

      Implementations must return denied authentications with AuthenticationException when they were able to authenticate credentials which turned out to be invalid. For example, a login credentials authenticator must return a denied authentication exception when it does manage a particular username but the provided password was invalid.

      A denied authentication can also bre reported by throwing an AuthenticationException when returning an actual authentication instance is not practical.

      credentials - the credentials to authenticate
      a mono emitting an authentication, an error mono or an empty mono if the authenticator could not authenticate the credentials
      AuthenticationException - if credentials were invalid
    • or

      default Authenticator<A,B> or(Authenticator<? super A,? extends B> other)

      Returns a composed authenticator which first invokes this authenticator and, if the credentials could not be authenticated, invokes the specified authenticator.

      other - the authenticator to invoke in case this authenticator was not able to authenticate credentials
      a composed authenticator
    • flatMap

      default <T extends Authentication> Authenticator<A,T> flatMap(Function<? super B,? extends Mono<? extends T>> mapper)

      Invokes this authenticator and then transforms the resulting authentication publisher.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the resulting authentication
      mapper - the function to transform the authentication publisher
      a transformed authenticator
    • map

      default <T extends Authentication> Authenticator<A,T> map(Function<? super B,? extends T> mapper)

      Invokes this authenticator and then transforms the resulting authentication.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the resulting authentication
      mapper - the function to transform the authentication
      a transformed authenticator
    • failOnDenied

      default Authenticator<A,B> failOnDenied()

      Transforms the authenticator so it fails on denied authentications.

      An authenticator is supposed to return a denied authentication in case of failed authentication, however this might not always be possible or convenient, especially when transforming authentication output using map(java.util.function.Function) or flatMap(java.util.function.Function) operators. As consequence, it might be desirable to actually propagate the original authentication error when a denied authentication is returned by the authenticator.

      an authenticator that returns an error mono on denied authentications
    • failOnDeniedAndAnonymous

      default Authenticator<A,B> failOnDeniedAndAnonymous()

      Transforms the authenticator so it fails on denied and anonymous authentications.

      As for failOnDenied(), an authenticator can return a denied or an anonymous authentication, this operator allows to throw a corresponding AuthenticationException to stop a subsequent authentication transformation chain instead of dealing with denied and anonymous authentication when mapping the authentication output.

      an authenticator that returns an error mono on denied and anonymous authentications