Annotation Interface WebController

@Retention(SOURCE) @Target(TYPE) public @interface WebController

The WebController annotation is used in conjunction with the @Bean annotation to indicate a Web controller bean.

Web controller beans are used to specify Web routes exposed in a module. These routes are aggregated in a bean, generated by the Web compiler, which configures the Web server on application startup.

Web routes are declared as methods annotated with @Webroute. A Web controller defines a base path, set to '/' by default, for all routes defined in the controller.

For instance, in the following example a request to /book is handled by the getList() method and a request to /book/1 by the get() method.

 @WebController( path = "/book" )
 public class BookResource {

     public List<Book> getList() {

     @WebRoute( path = "/{id}" )
     public Book get(@PathParam String id) {
Jeremy Kuhn
See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The base path of all routes defined in the Web controller.
  • Element Details

    • path

      String path

      The base path of all routes defined in the Web controller.

      the base path