Interface Reactor

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface Reactor

A reactor defines the core threading model of Inverno's applications and more specifically it provides the main event loop group.

A reactor exposes a single acceptor event loop group used to accept connection and methods to create event loop groups backed by a unique core event loop group in order to optimize thread usage based on hardware and software capabilities.

Jeremy Kuhn
  • Method Details

    • eventLoop

      Optional<EventLoop> eventLoop()

      Returns the event loop associated to the current thread.

      an optional returning the current event loop or an empty optional if the current thread is not a reactor thread.
    • getWorkerPool

      ExecutorService getWorkerPool()

      Returns the worker pool.

      The worker pool is typically used to execute blocking task outside the I/O event loop.

      an executor service
    • getAcceptorEventLoopGroup

      EventLoopGroup getAcceptorEventLoopGroup()

      Returns the acceptor event loop group typically with one thread.

      This event loop group should be shared across network servers to accept connections.

      an acceptor event loop group
    • createIoEventLoopGroup

      EventLoopGroup createIoEventLoopGroup()

      Creates an IO event loop group with all available threads.

      an IO event loop group
    • createIoEventLoopGroup

      EventLoopGroup createIoEventLoopGroup(int nThreads) throws IllegalArgumentException

      Creates an IO event loop group with the specified amount of threads.

      nThreads - the number of threads to allocate
      an IO event loop group
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified number of thread exceeds the number of threads available
    • getEventLoop

      EventLoop getEventLoop()

      Returns an event loop from the core IO event loop group.

      an event loop
    • getCoreIoEventLoopGroupSize

      int getCoreIoEventLoopGroupSize()

      Returns the size of the core IO event loop group.

      This basically the maximum number of threads one can allocate to an IO event loop group.

      The number of threads allocated to the core IO event loop group