Interface Session<A>

Type Parameters:
A - the session data type
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractJWTSession, AbstractSession

public interface Session<A>

A session provides a way to persist data across multiple requests.

A session is set to expire after a specific period of inactivity or at a specific time. The maximum inactive interval or the expiration time are specified on session creation and can be updated during the lifetime of the session. A session lasts as long as it is not expired and not explicitly invalidated.

A session is uniquely identify by an id generated by a SessionIdGenerator. This id is used to resolve the session between requests from a SessionStore. It can be refreshed during the lifetime of the session.

A session may hold strongly typed data stored in the SessionStore, but this is not mandatory. A session can exist and can be resolved independently of the data it may or may not contain.

Jeremy Kuhn
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final long
    The default maximum inactive interval in milliseconds: 1800000 (i.e. 30 minutes).
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the session creation time in milliseconds.
    Resolves the session data.
    default Mono<A>
    getData(Supplier<A> supplier)
    Resolves the session data or creates them using the specified supplier if none exist in the session.
    Returns the time in milliseconds at which the session is set to expire.
    Returns the session unique identifier.
    Returns the session last accessed time in milliseconds.
    Returns the maximum inactive interval in milliseconds.
    Returns the original session identifier.
    Invalidates the session.
    Determines whether the session has expired.
    Determines whether the session has been invalidated.
    default boolean
    Determines whether the session is new.
    default Mono<String>
    Refreshes the session id only if it is stale.
    refreshId(boolean force)
    Refreshes the session id.
    Saves the session.
    setData(A sessionData)
    Sets the session data.
    setExpirationTime(long expirationTime)
    Sets the session expiration time in milliseconds.
    setMaxInactiveInterval(long maxInactiveInterval)
    Sets the maximum inactive interval in milliseconds.
  • Field Details


      static final long DEFAULT_MAX_INACTIVE_INTERVAL
      The default maximum inactive interval in milliseconds: 1800000 (i.e. 30 minutes).
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getOriginalId

      String getOriginalId()

      Returns the original session identifier.

      The original session id is the value that was used to resolve an existing session or null for a new session.

      the original session id for an existing session or null if the session is new
    • getId

      String getId()

      Returns the session unique identifier.

      a unique identifier
    • getCreationTime

      long getCreationTime()

      Returns the session creation time in milliseconds.

      the session creation time
    • getLastAccessedTime

      long getLastAccessedTime()

      Returns the session last accessed time in milliseconds.

      The last accessed time shall only be updated when saving a session, it is not updated when the session is resolved and as a result the last accessed time effectively corresponds to the last saved time.

      the session last accessed time
    • setMaxInactiveInterval

      void setMaxInactiveInterval(long maxInactiveInterval)

      Sets the maximum inactive interval in milliseconds.

      The maximum inactive interval replaces the expiration time if any was set.

      maxInactiveInterval - a maximum inactive interval in milliseconds
    • getMaxInactiveInterval

      Long getMaxInactiveInterval()

      Returns the maximum inactive interval in milliseconds.

      The maximum inactive interval is null when a specific expiration time was set.

      the maximum inactive interval in milliseconds or null if the session is set to expire at a specific time
    • setExpirationTime

      void setExpirationTime(long expirationTime)

      Sets the session expiration time in milliseconds.

      The expiration time replaces the maximum inactive interval if any was set.

      expirationTime - an expiration time in milliseconds
    • getExpirationTime

      long getExpirationTime()

      Returns the time in milliseconds at which the session is set to expire.

      This method calculates and returns the actual time when the session will expire when a maximum inactive interval is set, otherwise it returns the specific expiration time that was set.

      the session expiration time
    • getData

      Mono<A> getData()

      Resolves the session data.

      a mono resolving session data or an empty mono if none exist in the session
    • getData

      default Mono<A> getData(Supplier<A> supplier)

      Resolves the session data or creates them using the specified supplier if none exist in the session.

      supplier - a session data supplier
      a mono resolving or creating session data
    • setData

      void setData(A sessionData)

      Sets the session data.

      sessionData - the session data
    • isExpired

      boolean isExpired()

      Determines whether the session has expired.

      true if the session has expired, false otherwise
    • isInvalidated

      boolean isInvalidated()

      Determines whether the session has been invalidated.

      true if the session has been invalidated, false otherwise
    • isNew

      default boolean isNew()

      Determines whether the session is new.

      true if this is a new session, false otherwise
    • refreshId

      default Mono<String> refreshId()

      Refreshes the session id only if it is stale.

      a mono that emits the new session identifier or an empty mono if the identifier did not need to be refreshed
    • refreshId

      Mono<String> refreshId(boolean force)

      Refreshes the session id.

      force - true to force refresh, false to only refresh the id if it is stale
      a mono that emits the new session identifier or an empty mono if the identifier did not need to be refreshed
    • save

      Mono<Void> save()

      Saves the session.

      This basically updates the session last accessed time and any updates to expiration settings.

      Assuming session data were resolved, whether they are saved is implementation specific. This actually widely depends on the session store and the strategy chosen to optimize underlying data store usage. Implementors must however at least guarantee that data that are explicitly set on a session using setData(Object) are saved.

      a mono which completes when the session is saved
    • invalidate

      Mono<Void> invalidate()

      Invalidates the session.

      a mono which completes when the session is invalidated