Interface ErrorWebInterceptedRouter<A extends ExchangeContext>

Type Parameters:
A - the type of the exchange context
All Superinterfaces:
ErrorInterceptedRouter<A,ErrorWebExchange<A>,ErrorWebRouter<A>,ErrorWebInterceptedRouter<A>,ErrorWebRouteManager<A,ErrorWebRouter<A>>,ErrorWebRouteManager<A,ErrorWebInterceptedRouter<A>>,ErrorWebInterceptorManager<A,ErrorWebInterceptedRouter<A>>,ErrorWebRoute<A>>, ErrorWebInterceptable<A,ErrorWebInterceptedRouter<A>>, ErrorWebRoutable<A,ErrorWebInterceptedRouter<A>>, Interceptable<A,ErrorWebExchange<A>,ErrorWebInterceptedRouter<A>,ErrorWebInterceptorManager<A,ErrorWebInterceptedRouter<A>>>, Routable<A,ErrorWebExchange<A>,ErrorWebInterceptedRouter<A>,ErrorWebRouteManager<A,ErrorWebInterceptedRouter<A>>,ErrorWebRoute<A>>

A web intercepted error router attaches interceptors to error route handlers based on the parameters of the Error Web route including the error type, path or path pattern, the accepted content type and language.

Jeremy Kuhn
  • Method Details

    • configure

      ErrorWebInterceptedRouter<A> configure(ErrorWebRouterConfigurer<? super A> configurer)

      Configures the error web intercepted router using the specified error web router configurer.

      Web interceptors previously defined in this router will be applied first to the routes created within the configurer.

      If the specified configurer is null this method is a noop.

      configurer - an error web router configurer
      the error web intercepted router
    • configure

      default ErrorWebInterceptedRouter<A> configure(List<ErrorWebRouterConfigurer<? super A>> configurers)

      Configures the error web intercepted router using the specified configurers.

      Web interceptors previously defined in this router will be applied first to the routes created within the configurers.

      If the specified list of configurers is null or empty this method is a noop.

      configurers - a list of error web router configurers
      the web intercepted router