Module io.inverno.mod.web.server

module io.inverno.mod.web.server

The Inverno framework Web server module provides a Web enabled HTTP1.x and HTTP/2 server

It defines a complete APIs for request routing and the creation of REST APIs using a collection of annotations.

It defines the following sockets:

the web server module configuration
netService (required)
the net service used to create the HTTP server
reactor (required)
the reactor
resourceService (required)
the resource service used to load resources.
mediaTypeConverters (required)
the media type converters used to encode and decode payloads based on the content type of a request or a response
the configurer used to specify the resources exposed by the server
the configurer used to specify how errors are processed and returned to a client
override the default parameter converter used in Parameter instances to convert their values

It exposes the following beans:

the Web server module configuration
the router used to route a request to the right handler
the router used to route a failed request to the right handler

A Web server can then be started as follows:

 NetService netService = ...
 Reactor reactor = ...
 ResourceService resourceService = ...
 List<MediaTypeConverter<ByteBuf>> mediaTypeConverters = ...

 Application.with(new Web.Builder(mediaTypeConverters, netService, reactor, resourceService)
     .setConfiguration(WebServerConfigurationLoader.load(conf -> conf.web(http_conf -> http_conf.server_port(8080))))
     .setWebRouterConfigurer(router -> router
             .handler(exchange -> exchange
                 .value("Resource 1")
             .handler(exchange -> exchange
                 .value("Resource 2")
Jeremy Kuhn