Module io.inverno.mod.session
Package io.inverno.mod.session
package io.inverno.mod.session
Inverno session API.
B extends Session<A>> BaseSession
implementation class.AbstractSessionStore<A,B extends Session<A>> BaseSessionStore
implementation class.AbstractSessionStore.Builder<A,B extends Session<A>, C extends AbstractSessionStore<A, B>, D extends AbstractSessionStore.Builder<A, B, C, D>> A base session store builder.A basic session store that uses opaque session identifiers and stores sessions and their data in a data store on the backend.A basic session store implementation that stores sessions and their data in-memory in a concurrent map.The in-memory basic session store builder.A basic session store implementation that stores sessions and their data in a Redis data store.The Redis basic session store builder.Session<A>A session provides a way to persist data across multiple requests.A strategy for determining whether resolved session data shall be saved when saving a session.SessionIdGenerator<A,B extends Session<A>> A session identifier generator is used to generate unique session id.SessionStore<A,B extends Session<A>> A session store is used to create, get, save, move and remove session and its data uniquely identified by a session id in a data store.