Module io.inverno.tool.buildtools
Package io.inverno.tool.buildtools
package io.inverno.tool.buildtools
Inverno Build tools API.
ClassDescriptionA task for archiving project delivrables.Represents a build component.A task for building a JMOD archive for the project module.A task for building a custom Java runtime image for the project.Parameters describing a runtime image launcher.A task for creating container images of the project application.Represents the generated container image.Describes the format of the image to generate.Describes where to generate the container image.Debugs the project in a separate process and wait for the application to stop.Base execution task.Represents a native project image.A task for modularizing the dependencies of the project.Describes a module-info descriptor as specified in the Java language specification.Represents an exports directive in a module descriptor.Represents an import declaration in a module descriptor.Represents an opens directive in a module descriptor.Represents a provides directive in a module descriptor.Represents a requires directive in a module descriptor.Represents a uses directive in a module descriptor.A task for packaging modular applications with an optimized Java runtime.Parameters describing an application launcher.Linux specific configuration.MacOS specific configuration.The types of package that the task can generate.Windows specific configuration.The
representing the project to build.Runs the project in a separate process and wait for the application to stop.Starts the project in a separate process and return.A task for stopping a running project whose pid is provided in a file.A build task.Thrown to indicate that a build task execution failed.