Package io.inverno.core.annotation

package io.inverno.core.annotation

Annotations used to create Inverno modules.

  • Class
    An AnnotationSelector is used to filter beans annotated with a particular annotation during dependency injection.
    Indicates that an annotated class or interface is a bean.
    Indicates the strategy to use to instantiate the bean.
    Indicates the visibility of a bean in a module.
    A bean socket represents a bean dependency, a bean required or desirable by a bean to operate properly.
    Indicates a method that must be executed before a bean instance is destroyed when a module is stopped.
    Indicates a method that must be executed after a bean has been instantiated and dependency injection is done.
    Used on a bean socket variable to inject a bean instance supplier instead of an actual bean instance.
    Indicates that a module is an Inverno module that must be processed during compilation in order to generate a module class.
    Used in conjunction with @Bean to declare a mutating socket bean.
    Indicates that the return value of a particular method on a module bean or a socket bean should be considered as a bean and considered during dependency injection.
    Used in conjunction with @Bean to indicate an overridable bean.
    Specifies the type provided by a bean, defaulting to the actual bean type.
    The Selector annotation is used to identify selector annotations.
    Used on a module to specify an explicit wire directive when multiple matches are found during the auto-wiring process for instance.
    Used on a module builder class to specify how the socket beans of a module are wired to module beans and/or imported module beans.
    Annotation that aggregates several @Wire annotations.
    Used in conjunction with @Bean to indicate a wrapper bean.