JSON Object Signing and Encryption payload converters.
ClassDescriptionJOSE module configuration.A JOSE Header contains the parameters describing the cryptographic operations and parameters employed to secure a JOSE object.JOSEHeaderConfigurator<A extends JOSEHeaderConfigurator<A>>A JOSE header configurator is used in
to configure JOSE headers when building JOSE objects.JOSEObject<A,B extends JOSEHeader> A JOSE object composed of a JOSE header and a payload and secured through cryptographic operations.JOSEObjectBuilder<A,B extends JOSEHeader, C extends JOSEObject<A, B>, D extends JOSEHeaderConfigurator<D>, E extends JOSEObjectBuilder<A, B, C, D, E>> A JOSE object builder is used to build single JOSE objects.Thrown to indicate that an error has occurred while building a JOSE object.JOSEObjectReader<A,B extends JOSEHeader, C extends JOSEObject<A, B>, D extends JOSEObjectReader<A, B, C, D>> A JOSE object reader is used to read single JOSE objects serialized in the compact representation.Thrown to indicate that an error has occurred while reading a JOSE object.A JOSE object service is a main entry point for creating and reading particular JOSE objects.Thrown to indicate that an error has occurred while processing a JOSE object.A JSON JOSE object supporting JSON representation.JsonJOSEObjectBuilder<A,B extends JsonJOSEObject<A>, C extends JOSEHeaderConfigurator<C>, D extends JsonJOSEObjectBuilder<A, B, C, D>> A JSON JOSE object builder is used to build JSON JOSE objects that can be serialized to the JSON representation.JsonJOSEObjectReader<A,B extends JsonJOSEObject<A>, C extends JsonJOSEObjectReader<A, B, C>> A JSON JWE reader is used to read JSON JOSE objects serialized using the JSON representation.