Module io.inverno.mod.irt
Package io.inverno.mod.irt
package io.inverno.mod.irt
Inverno Reactive Template runtime.
base implementation template sets which renders data in a reactive way using a ByteBuf sink.ATemplateSet
base implementation template sets which renders data in a ByteBuf.ATemplateSet
base implementation template sets which renders data in a composite ByteBuf.AbstractStreamTemplateSet<T extends OutputStream>ATemplateSet
base implementation template sets which renders data in anOutputStream
base implementation template sets which renders data in a reactive way using a String sink.ATemplateSet
base implementation template sets which renders data in aStringBuilder
which can renderByteBuf
.Pipe<T,U> A pipe is used within a template to transform a value before applying templates.A collection of pipes used to transform basic values including: strings transformation, date formatting, number formatting, escaping...PublisherPipe<T,U> A publisher pipe is used within a template to transform a publisher before applying templates to the emitted elements.A collection of pipes used to transform publishers including: filter, sort, map, flatMap...A publisherTemplateSet
which exposes the sink where data are rendered.StreamPipe<T,U> A stream pipe is used within a template to transform a stream before applying templates to the elements of the stream.A collection of pipes used to transform streams including: filter, sort, map, flatMap...Template set definition which specifies the methods used in a generated template set implementation to render objects in a procedural or reactive way.A particularTemplateSet.Renderable
with the ability to expose the index of the value in a group of elements to the renderer (eg. an array, an iterable, a stream, a publisher...).A renderable is used to render a value with a particular type of object typically by invoking the corresponding template in aTemplateSet